Latest Terrorism Monitor Articles


TALIBAN ISSUE STATEMENT ON USE OF CHILD SUICIDE BOMBERS   Afghanistan’s Taliban movement is seeking to deflect a wave of criticism surrounding its alleged use of children as suicide bombers following a public appearance by President Hamid Karzai with eight children the president said were recruited... MORE

Uyghur Unrest in Xinjiang Shakes Sino-Pakistani Relations

It has been a difficult summer for China’s restive western province Xinjiang. A series of incidents characterized as terrorism have struck two of the province’s cities, causing death, destruction and ethnic tension. This picture was further complicated when the government of the city of Kashgar... MORE

Syrian Unrest Raises Sectarian Tensions in Lebanon

As the turmoil affecting Syria persists with no apparent end in sight, fears about the potential impact of the crisis on Syria’s neighbors remain at the fore.  Among all of its neighbors, the complexity that defines Syria’s relationship with Lebanon and the characteristics of Lebanese... MORE