Volume 5 Issue 24 December 20, 2007 Reviving a Forgotten Threat: The PKK in Nagorno-Karabakh Is the “Politicization” of the Kurdish Struggle in Turkey a Security Threat? Al-Qaeda Adapts its Methods in Iraq as Part of a Global Strategy Oil and Jihad in Central Africa: The Rise and Fall of Uganda’s ADF
Volume 5 Issue 23 December 10, 2007 The Turkish Generals’ Talk: The Strategic Insights of Turkey’s Struggle with the PKK Imprisoned Leader of Egypt’s Islamic Jihad Challenges al-Qaeda Morocco’s Resistance to Regional Jihad Farah Province: The New Focus of the Taliban Insurgency
Volume 5 Issue 22 November 26, 2007 Strategic Implications for Northern Iraq’s Kurdish Oil Industry If Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Strike Back: The Case of Iraq Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood: Political Islam Without al-Qaeda Is the NWFP Slipping out of Pakistan’s Control?
Volume 5 Issue 21 November 8, 2007 PJAK Faces Turkish-Iranian Storm Foreign Jihadis Face Deportation in Bosnia-Herzegovina Uzbek Terror Networks: Germany, Jamoat and the IJU UN/African Union Peacekeepers in Darfur Unlikely to Succeed
Volume 5 Issue 20 October 25, 2007 The Hakim-Sadr Pact: A New Era in Shiite Politics? Pakistan's Radical Red Mosque Returns Recasting Jihad in the Maghreb Current Trends in Jihadi Networks in Europe
Volume 5 Issue 19 October 24, 2007 Proposed Yemen-Djibouti Bridge Threatens AFRICOM Security The Triborder Sea Area: Maritime Southeast Asia's Ungoverned Space Tracking Yemen's 23 Escaped Jihadi Operatives – Part 2 Azerbaijan Increasingly Caught Between Salafism and Iran
Volume 5 Issue 18 September 27, 2007 Increasing Talibanization in Pakistan's Seven Tribal Agencies Tracking Yemen's 23 Escaped Jihadi Operatives – Part 1 GIMF Develops Defensive and Offensive Software for Jihadi Operations Origins of the Niger Delta's Deewell and Deebam Militias
Volume 5 Issue 17 September 13, 2007 The Surge, the Shiites and Nation Building in Iraq Splits Revealed Inside Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb Italy's Left-Wing Terrorists Flirt with Radical Islamists Thailand Cracks Down on Southern Militants
Volume 5 Issue 16 August 16, 2007 Extremist Reeducation and Rehabilitation in Saudi Arabia An Inside Look at France's Mosque Surveillance Program Hizb-ut-Tahrir's Activities in the United States Italy's Underground Islamist Network
Volume 5 Issue 15 August 2, 2007 Mujahid Dokubo-Asari: The Niger Delta's Ijaw Leader Behind the Indoctrination and Training of American Jihadis Iran's Challenges from Within: An Overview of Ethno-Sectarian Unrest The Threat of Islamic Radicalism to Greece
Volume 5 Issue 14 July 19, 2007 The Taliban Fedayeen: The World's Worst Suicide Bombers? The Road to Lal Masjid and its Aftermath Preliminary Observations from the June 2007 UK Plots Turkey's Dark War: Counter-Terrorism Strategies for the 21st Century
Volume 5 Issue 13 July 6, 2007 The Militia Politics of Basra Turkey's Foreign Policy toward Northern Iraq Still Undecided Nigeria's Cults and their Role in the Niger Delta Insurgency Obstacles to Closer Counter-Terrorism Coordination in Malacca Straits
Volume 5 Issue 11 July 6, 2007 Catalonia: Europe's New Center of Global Jihad The Role of Foreign Trainers in Southern Thailand's Insurgency AQIM's Threat to Morocco's Tourism Sector The Hidden Hand of Iran in the Resurgence of Ansar al-Islam
Volume 5 Issue 12 June 21, 2007 Spotlight on Trinidad and Tobago's Jamaat al-Muslimeen Islamist Terrorism and Energy Sector Security in Algeria Battleground Somalia: America's Uncertain Front in the War on Terror Trafficking and the Role of the Sinai Bedouin
Volume 5 Issue 10 May 24, 2007 A Shiite Storm Looms on the Horizon: Sadr and SIIC Relations A Report from the Field: Gauging the Impact of Taliban Suicide Bombing Shamshatoo Refugee Camp: A Base of Support for Gulbuddin Hekmatyar Weapons of War in the Niger Delta
Volume 5 Issue 9 May 10, 2007 Afghanistan’s Drug Trade and How it Funds Taliban Operations Yemen and the U.S.: Different Approaches to the War on Terrorism South Waziristan’s Maulvi Nazir: The New Face of the Taliban Intra-Kurdish Disputes in Northern Iraq
Volume 5 Issue 7 April 30, 2007 Guide to the Armed Groups Operating in the Niger Delta – Part 1 Turkey's Coming Offensive Against the Iraqi-based PKK Divisions Within the Iraqi Insurgency The Threat of Islamist Terrorism to Germany
Volume 5 Issue 8 April 26, 2007 The Leading Factions Behind the Somali Insurgency Kuwaiti Cleric Hamid al-Ali: The Bridge Between Ideology and Action Guide to the Armed Groups Operating in the Niger Delta - Part 2 Dressed in Black: A Look at Pakistan's Radical Women
Volume 5 Issue 6 March 30, 2007 The Sadr-Sistani Relationship Transforming Pakistan's Frontier Corps The New Issue of Technical Mujahid, a Training Manual for Jihadis PKK Survives EU Arrests
Volume 5 Issue 5 March 15, 2007 The Danger of Terrorist Black Holes in Southern Africa Internal Divisions Threaten Kurdish Unity Malaysia's Role in Thailand's Southern Insurgency Europe's Emerging Counter-Terrorism Elite: The ATLAS Network
Volume 5 Issue 4 March 1, 2007 Moqtada al-Sadr's New Alliance with Tehran Cheney Attack Reveals Taliban Suicide Bombing Patterns Weapons and Tactics of the Somali Insurgency Retracing the Steps of JI's Abdullah Sunata
Volume 5 Issue 1 February 21, 2007 Kyrgyzstan's Manas Airbase: A Key Asset in the War on Terrorism Al-Suri's Doctrines for Decentralized Jihadi Training - Part 1 Expelling the Infidel: Historical Look at Somali Resistance to Ethiopia Iranian Involvement in Afghanistan
Volume 5 Issue 2 February 21, 2007 2007 Marks the Key Year in Thailand's Southern Insurgency Al-Suri's Doctrines for Decentralized Jihadi Training - Part 2 The Reconstituted Al-Qaeda Threat in the Maghreb Asfandyar Wali: Profile of Pakistan's Progressive Pashtun Politician
Volume 5 Issue 3 February 21, 2007 The Threat of Grassroots Jihadi Networks: A Case Study from Ceuta, Spain The PKK and Syria's Kurds Three Explanations for al-Qaeda's Lack of a CBRN Attack Islamist Infiltration of the Moroccan Armed Forces