Latest Articles about Africa
Bahrain’s Monarchy Determined to Prevent Egyptian-Style Revolt in Mid-August
Bahrain’s Interior Ministry has warned the nation’s largely Shiite political opposition against following through with plans for massive Egyptian-style pro-democracy street demonstrations planned for August 14. The opposition is calling for free elections in the Sunni-dominated monarchy and an end to the authoritative rule of... MORE
The Power Behind the Throne in Mursi’s Egypt: A Portrait of Muhammad Khayrat al-Shater
Over the last three years, Muslim Brotherhood deputy guide Muhammad Khayrat al-Shater has gone from being a political prisoner in Egypt’s prisons to a controversial role as the alleged “power behind the throne” in the Muhammad Mursi presidency and back again to prison, where he... MORE
Taking the Reigns of AQIM: A Profile of Jamal Oukacha
Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) confirmed the death in mid-June of one of its most senior leaders Abd al-Hamid Abu Zeid. Abu Zeid was a key commander on AQIM’s North Africa branch who was killed while fighting against French-led forces in northern Mali (Jeune... MORE
Branding al-Qaeda in Mali – France’s Self-Declared Jihadist Gilles le Guen
Self-declared jihadist Gilles le Guen (a.k.a. Abdel Jelil) was arrested on April 28 by French forces in Timbuktu, questioned and handed over to Malian authorities. He was extradited back to France on May 14 and faces charges of criminal conspiracy under a French anti-terrorism bill... MORE
Tunisia’s Elusive Jihadist Network
Over the last month, Tunisia has seen an escalation of the violence and tensions between security forces and the Islamist movements that emerged after the fall of President Zine al-Abdin bin Ali in January, 2011. Attention focused primarily on the violent May 19 clashes in... MORE
Russia’s Heightened Interest in Africa
The Soviet Union conducted a robust policy toward Africa, but that ended with the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. As Russian analysts today admit, Africa, relatively speaking, fell off the map of Russian foreign policy after 1991. It is only in the... MORE
The Race for Libya’s GNC Presidency: A Profile of Militant Turned Politician Abd al-Wahhab Muhammad Qaid
Summary Abd al-Wahhab Muhammad Qaid, the elder brother of a top al-Qaeda commander killed in an American drone strike in Pakistan last summer, has emerged as a strong candidate in the upcoming election for Libya’s top political job president of the General National Congress (GNC).... MORE
Tribal Champion or Proxy Warrior? A Profile of South Sudan’s David Yau Yau
Introduction In the remote regions of South Sudan’s Jonglei state, a failed politician, former theology student and military neophyte has managed to turn his personal dissatisfaction with the administration of the newly created South Sudan into an insurgency that draws on tribal rivalries, external interference... MORE
Boko Haram’s Elusive Cameroonian – Mamman Nur
In Boko Haram leader Abu Shekau’s first public statement in June 2010, he surprised Nigerian government officials when he addressed the message to the “Leaders of al-Qaeda and its affiliated groups in Algeria, Iraq, Somalia and Yemen” (Agence-France Presse, July 14, 2010). At that time,... MORE
Directions in North African Jihadism in the Post-Mali Conflict Environment
Operation Serval, the French-led military intervention in Northern Mali brought major changes to the strategic landscape and geopolitical trends in the region, curbing, or at least slowing, the increasing presence and local control that jihadist groups have pursued in the region since 2003. The intervention... MORE