Latest Articles about Kazakhstan

Hizb ut-Tahrir Rises on Kazakhstan’s Southern Border

The Kyrgyz State Security Committee (GKNB) arrested two Kazakhstani men on June 28, who were “spreading and propagating radical and extremist ideas” with the assistance of staff at mosques in Bishkek in order to recruit women into their network. A subsequent search of their residence... MORE

Russia, Kazakhstan Keep Focusing on Multilateral Cooperation

Russian and Kazakhstani leaders indicated plans to prioritize multilateral economic ties within the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space (CES). Meanwhile, some of their planned bilateral projects appear to have dropped off the agenda.Russia has continued to extol the growing trade volumes inside regional... MORE

Khorgos to Become Kazakhstan’s Trans-Eurasian Transport Hub

On June 28, Kazakhstan’s Senate amended the country’s transport regulations partly to allow for the state railways operator, JSC “NC” Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (KTZ), to develop a transport and logistics company, spearheading the country’s transformation into a Eurasian transport hub (Kazinform, June 28). Exactly how... MORE

Kazakhstan Faces Long Term Border Security Reform

Following the unprecedented mass killings at the Arkan Kergen border post in eastern Kazakhstan, the main suspect, Vladislav Chelakh, was sent to Almaty on June 28 to undergo psychiatric checks. Chelakh is accused of murdering 14 border guard colleagues on May 30, 2012. Yet, the... MORE

Islamic Radicalism in Kazakhstan: Myth or Reality?

Prior to the wave of terrorist attacks in 2011, the problem of Islamic radicalism in Kazakhstan was less ubiquitous than in the other Central Asia republics. Kazakhs (who were nomads in the past) are less religious then Uzbeks and Tajiks, and the proportion of the... MORE

Astana Backs Wider SCO Regional Role

On June 6-7, 2012, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) held its 12th annual summit in Beijing. The meeting’s major outputs included granting Afghanistan observer status, designating Turkey as an SCO “dialogue partner,” and adopting several declarations and agreements.  President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan joined Presidents... MORE