Latest Articles about China and the Asia-Pacific

China’s Tactics for Targeting the Uyghur Diaspora in Turkey
Introduction: Sino-Turkish Relations and the Uyghur Diaspora Relations between Turkey and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) have been strained by the situation in China’s northwestern region of Xinjiang (also known as East Turkestan), where the party-state has been subjecting over 14 million Uyghurs, Kazakhs,... MORE

“Expanding China’s Friendship Group”: The BRI’s Rhetorical Utility Amid the U.S.-China Trade War
Introduction Even before the White House applied 25 percent tariffs to $50 billion worth of Chinese imports in early April 2018, Chinese academics had argued that, in the event of a trade war between the United States and China becoming a reality, enhanced international economic... MORE

India-China Relations: From the “Wuhan Spirit” to the “Chennai Connect”
Introduction On October 11-12, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi met for their second informal summit at Mamallapuram, near Chennai in southern India. Xi described his “heart-to-heart” discussions with Modi as “candid,” like those with a... MORE

China Focuses on Iran after CPEC Setbacks in Pakistan
Introduction At the end of August, Islamic Republic of Iran (IRIN) Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif visited Beijing for what appeared to be a routine visit. However, soon after the visit, it was reported in the media that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) had agreed... MORE

Russian-Chinese Military ‘Alliance’ Both More and Less Than It Appears
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s announcement earlier this month (October 3) that his country is working with China to build a common missile-defense radar system attracted enormous attention around the world, especially in the United States (Valdaiclub.com, October 15; see EDM, October 10); but his reference... MORE

Central Asian Perspectives of the Tsentr 2019 Military Exercises
Tsentr 2019, this year’s largest Russian strategic-operational exercise, involving both Russian troops and seven regional allies and partners, was a highly promoted event by Russia’s state-owned news outlets. According to Sputnik News, the maneuvers (September 16–21) “demonstrated to the world the unprecedented defensive capabilities of... MORE

Russia Continues to Grapple With Multiple Pipeline-to-China Challenges
Russia has dreamed for years about capturing a significant share of China’s huge natural gas market. But getting there has been like slogging through deep Siberian snow. An important step will come before the end of this year, when Gazprom begins the second phase of... MORE

Russia Exports Its Missile Early-Warning Knowhow to China
Russo-Chinese relations continue to improve (see EDM, July 25, 30) as both countries’ ties with the United States have grown increasingly strained. Moscow and Beijing describe their bilateral relationship as a “strategic partnership,” constantly adding new adjectives to emphasize its evolving strength. The People’s Republic... MORE

Editor’s Note for Military-Civil Fusion Issue (October 2019)
Editor’s Note: This is a special theme issue of China Brief, focused on the evolving concept of “military-civil fusion” (军民融合, junmin ronghe), or MCF, a complex set of initiatives by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to share resources between the military and civilian industry.... MORE

Military-Civil Fusion: Beijing’s “Guns AND Butter” Strategy to Become a Technological Superpower
Note: This article leverages previous research and analysis on China’s military-civil fusion strategy by Pointe Bello, a strategic intelligence and advisory firm specializing in China. Introduction A great gamble is underway in China, as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) attempts to introduce new concepts that... MORE