Latest Articles about Europe's East

Western Sanctions on Belarus’s Potash Industry Test Beijing-Minsk Partnership
Introduction At the beginning of September, the Belarusian news outlet Nasha Niva revealed that due to Western sanctions on Belarusbank, China had not paid another tranche of credit ($103 million) for the construction of the $2 billion Slavkaliy potash mining and processing plant in Lyuban,... MORE

Gazprom’s ‘Italian Strike’ or the Latest Russian Blackmail of Europe
Russia’s decision to severely reduce natural gas supplies to Europe before the winter has sent prices skyrocketing, causing the most serious energy crisis in decades. In fact, Europe has never seen such high gas prices. Benchmark wholesale European gas prices have rocketed upward by more... MORE

Victims of Soviet-Era Russification Policies Boost Their Support for Non-Russian Minorities in Russia
The recent defeat in the Estonian parliament of a resolution denouncing Moscow’s russification of non-Russian peoples reflects two diametrically opposed trends. On the one hand, the down-vote is a product of the increasing unwillingness of Europe and the West to focus attention on this issue—an... MORE

Unfortunate but Inevitable: Moldova’s Gas Supply Agreement With the Kremlin and Gazprom
On October 29, Moscow and Chisinau agreed on a conditional resumption of Russian natural gas supplies to Moldova as of October 30. The Russian side had curtailed gas supplies to Moldova by one third in October, and threatened to discontinue the supplies altogether by December... MORE

Russia’s Armed Forces Rehearse the Defense of Crimea
At the end of October, the Russian Armed Forces staged a military exercise in Crimea to rehearse the defense of the occupied peninsula. The military deployed forces from the Southern Military District/Joint Strategic Command (Obyedinennyye Strategicheskoye Komandovanie—OSK) to the Opuk training ground in Crimea, where... MORE

Epiphenomena in the Belarusian Political Crisis
An epiphenomenon is a secondary effect or byproduct that arises from but does not causally influence a process—so in a way, it is an occurrence whose significance is blown out of proportion. Social life and politics are replete with such epiphenomena. They regularly garner all... MORE

Russian Gazprom Ready to Pounce on Moldovan Prey (Part Two)
*To read Part One, please click here. Four rounds of Russian-Moldovan negotiations in October over natural gas supplies have revealed the two sides’ conflicting positions (see Part One). The Russians propose signing a gas supply contract with Moldovagaz for the month of November, at the... MORE

Russian Gazprom Ready to Pounce on Moldovan Prey (Part One)
Using Gazprom as its political instrument, the Kremlin threatens to halt natural gas supplies to Moldova temporarily on November 1, and indefinitely from December 1, unless Moldova accepts Russia’s financial and political conditions for continuing gas deliveries (see below). Dmitry Kozak, the deputy head of... MORE

Saakashvili’s Hunger Strike Mobilizes Georgian Opposition
On October 25, United National Movement (UNM)—Georgia’s main opposition party, established in 2001 by former president Mikheil Saakashvili—released a statement regarding the hospitalization of its founder. In the statement, the party appeals to the international community, the diplomatic corps accredited in Georgia, and international and... MORE

Belarusian-Russian Economic Dependency and Trade Wars: Is There a Contradiction?
Two stories involving Belarus that have been unfolding over the past few weeks appear to contradict each other on the surface. These are the growing economic dependency of Belarus on Russia on the one hand, and the ongoing trade wars between both countries on the... MORE