Latest Articles about Europe

Moscow Pursues Stronger Military Ties With Minsk

Senior political-military officials in Moscow have recently stepped up their focus on strengthening bilateral military ties with Minsk. This is aimed at shoring up the Union State of Russia and Belarus, reflecting long-standing close military cooperation, as well as the pivotal role Minsk plays in... MORE

Wave of Optimism Sweeps Through Ukrainian Economy

While international financial organizations have been warning about a global economic slowdown and revising growth forecasts downwards, Ukraine has been among the few economies for which forecasts were revised upward recently. The World Bank (WB) now expects that Ukraine will grow by 3.4 percent this... MORE

Oleg Deripaska and His Business Empire: Security Risks for Ukraine

In May 2018, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine placed Russian billionaire and “aluminum magnate” Oleg Deripaska, who is close to Russian President Vladimir Putin, as well as three companies related to him (United Company RUSAL and its Moscow- and Cyprus-based branches, Judson... MORE

The Kremlin to Ukraine: Steinnmeier Formula is Far From Enough

On October 1, in the Minsk Contact Group, Ukraine agreed with the Donetsk and Luhansk “people’s republics” (DPR, LPR) to incorporate the “Steinmeier Formula” into Ukraine’s legislation. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy directed his envoy, former president Leonid Kuchma, to co-sign the letters of acceptance along... MORE

Putin’s Indifference to the Turkish Offensive in Syria

The massive and indiscriminate air strikes and the limited land offensive into Kurdish-controlled northern Syria launched by Turkey last Wednesday (October 9) have attracted prime international attention and caused much dismay in Washington, DC; but Moscow has remained uncharacteristically silent about the explosion of armed... MORE