Latest Articles about Arctic/High North

Kremlin’s Much-Ballyhooed Icebreaker Project in Real Trouble

As is often the case, much of the Western coverage of the launch of Russia’s new nuclear-powered icebreaker, the Arktika, has relied heavily on Kremlin press releases, with little to no examination of the actual situation. The vessel is the world’s largest of its type... MORE

The Northeastern Dimension of Russia’s ‘Ocean Shield 2020’ Naval Exercises (Part One)

Between August 3 and 31, forces from the four Russian fleets—Northern, Pacific, Black and Baltic—took part in the country’s annual “Ocean Shield” large-scale naval military exercises. Supervised by the Military-Maritime Fleet’s (Voyenno-Morskoy Flot—VMF) commander-in-chief, Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov, Ocean Shield 2020 involved a broad range of... MORE