Latest Articles about South Asia

Spreading Tentacles: The Islamic State in Bangladesh

Growing evidence suggests that the influence of the Islamic State organization has reached the South Asian, Muslim-majority country of Bangladesh. The country has long been home to small, but significant, numbers of radicals from both local militant groups, such as the Jama’at ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB),... MORE

A Profile of Pakistani Taliban Spokesperson Ehsanullah Ehsan

December 16, 2014 marked the single worst terror attack in Pakistani history. The assault led by members of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) on the Army Public School in Peshawar claimed the lives of 141 people, 132 of whom were school children (BBC, December 16, 2014).... MORE

Umar Mansoor: The Mastermind of the Peshawar School Attack

The targeting of children at the Army Public School in Peshawar on December 16, 2014 by Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has heralded a new era of terrorism in Pakistan. The brutal and coldblooded murder of 141 people, most of them students in the ninth grade, is... MORE

The Pakistani Taliban after the Peshawar School Attack

The dramatic December 16 attack on the Army Public School in Peshawar by the Fazlullah faction of Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP-F) brought renewed global attention to the TTP, a grouping of more than 40 separate terrorist and militant organizations. The attack was carried out by six... MORE

Al-Qaeda’s Talented Smuggler: Abd al-Rahman al-Juhni

Despite the political rhetoric that al-Qaeda has been decimated, the organization’s core leadership remains a potent threat, as demonstrated by the emergence of the Khorasan Group, a cadre of operatives from parts of Pakistan and Afghanistan. An intricate smuggling network spanning large swaths of territory... MORE

Putin’s Passage to India: Where Did It Lead?

Russian President Vladimir Putin termed his recent trip to India “productive” and “positive.” Indeed, twenty agreements were signed with India, pertaining mainly to economic issues, energy supplies and arms sales (, December 11). Thus, Russian petroleum giant Rosenft will sell ten million tons (200,000 barrels... MORE

Assessing China’s Afghan Peace Play

Breaking with decades of distancing itself from Afghanistan’s various armed conflicts, the Chinese government has offered to facilitate peace talks between the Afghan national government and the Afghan Taliban insurgency movement. On November 29, Sun Yuxi, China’s Special Envoy for Afghanistan, for the first time... MORE

Lashkar-e-Zil: Al-Qaeda’s ‘Shock and Awe’ Force

One effect of the rise of the Islamic State organization is that its rival al-Qaeda has had to try harder to attract global attention, funding, and recruits. The establishment of a new al-Qaeda branch, al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent, is one major step taken by... MORE

The Maldives-Syria Connection: Jihad in Paradise?

The Maldives, the Muslim-majority archipelago country in the Indian Ocean, is going through a tumultuous time, facing increasing Islamist activities at home, an exodus of radicalized youth to join the jihad in Syria and a growing domestic clamor for the implementation of Shari’a law. This... MORE