Latest Articles about Economics

Uzbekistan and Tajikistan Try to Mitigate Water Disputes
In April 2015, the parties to the CASA-1000 project (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan) signed a number of important legal documents that allow them to finally break ground on the project (, April 27, accessed June 5). The construction of the large-scale electricity transmission project,... MORE

Ukraine Fails to Make Shale Gas Breakthrough
Ukraine’s hopes to cut its dependence on gas imports from Russia through shale gas development have been dashed. The two multinationals that won government tenders to develop non-traditional gas deposits in Ukraine, Chevron and Shell, stopped their works last year, and there is no clarity... MORE

China’s “One Belt, One Road” Strategy Meets the UAE’s Look East Policy
From May 8 to 15, Dubai, the second largest state of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), hosted a first of its kind seven-day trade exhibition bringing together prominent government leaders, high net worth individuals and global corporate giants in Beijing. The week intended to showcase... MORE

Chinese Provinces Aim to Find Their Place Along New Silk Road
As Chinese President Xi Jinping’s New Silk Road initiative continues to build momentum, provincial governments are looking for ways to integrate their own economic plans with the national strategy and thus provide local companies and workers the benefits touted by Beijing. Xi’s promotion of the... MORE

Kazakhstan’s Presidential Election and the Challenges Ahead (Part Three)
*To read Part One, please click here. *To read Part Two, please click here. Kazakhstan’s state-founding President Nursultan Nazarbayev has been re-elected to what is widely assumed to be his final term in office (see EDM, April 30, May 8, 11). Observers generally tend to... MORE

Potential Northeast Asian Economic Corridors: Differing Chinese and Russian Priorities
Sitting at a strategic crossroads between Europe and East Asia, Mongolia and North Korea are potential economic corridors for the wider Eurasian landmass. However, the realization of such corridors depends in large part on Chinese and Russian policy priorities, since both have long-standing geostrategic interests... MORE

New Kyrgyz Prime Minister Faces Tough Balancing Act
On May 2, Kyrgyzstan’s President Almazbek Atambayev appointed a new prime minister—the Central Asian republic’s 27th since it became a sovereign state in 1991—Temir Sariyev, who had previously served as economy minister after Atambayev’s election to the presidency in December 2011. Earlier, on April 23,... MORE

Chinese Investors Show Interest in the North Caucasus
China has found an unlikely ally in the North Caucasus—the region’s smallest republic, Ingushetia. The Ingushetian government has announced that a large Russian-Chinese forum will take place in the republic and contracts worth millions of dollars will be signed. The republic’s government has agreed to... MORE

Putin’s Political Pause Amid National Mobilization
As if trying to compensate for his recent “disappearance” in early March, President Vladimir Putin participated in a series of high-intensity meetings and public events last week. His domestic audiences included students and “heroes of labor”; instructions were issued to government ministers, members of the... MORE

Nazarbayev Reelected, but Challenges Lie Ahead
On April 26, Kazakhstan held an early presidential election, the fifth presidential election in its modern history since gaining independence in late 1991. Unsurprisingly, the incumbent, Nursultan Nazarbayev, won the vote by a landslide. According to the Central Election Commission’s official communiqué, he obtained 97.75... MORE