Latest Articles about Economics

Baku-Ashgabat Accord Transforms Geopolitics of Caspian Region

When the five Caspian littoral states (Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan) finally agreed, in August 2018, to the delimitation of the surface of the sea after almost two decades of on-again, off-again talks, many assumed that accord meant the situation in and around the... MORE

Directions Forward for Chinese Rare Earths After the Two Sessions

Following heightened U.S.-China tensions last year, the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) issued the “Draft Regulations on Rare Earth Management” (稀土管理条例(征求意见稿), xitu guanli tiaolie (zhengqiu yijian gao)) on January 15. The new regulations propose stricter management of China’s rare earths industry, including... MORE

Russia’s Digitalization of the Arctic Region: Plans and Achievements

The “Strategy for the Development of the Russian Arctic Zone and Provision of National Security Through 2035” (, October 26, 2020) highlights, among others, three crucial aspects. First, it de facto introduces a “region-specific approach” in the strategically important though problem-riddled Arctic region, where special... MORE