Latest Articles about Energy

Confidence in the Nabucco Project Fading

Confidence in the viability of the Nabucco project – at least in its version envisaged from 2004 to 2011 – seems to be fading all around. On January 25, the Nabucco consortium’s management disclosed that it has submitted “amended” proposals to the Shah Deniz gas... MORE

Russian Oil Business Targeting EU’s Entrant Croatia

Croatia has become the newest member of the European Union, with a national referendum on January 22 capping the accession process. The government-controlled JANAF (Jadranski Naftovod – Adriatic Oil Transportation) enterprise, however, has marked the country’s EU accession in its own way. It has opened... MORE

Bulgarian Government Withdraws Chevron’s Shale Gas Permit

The Bulgarian Parliament has indefinitely suspended shale gas exploration and extraction in the country under public pressure from environmentalist groups. The moratorium will affect shale gas and oil exploration on the entire territory of Bulgaria and along its Black Sea shore (Bulgarian National Television, January... MORE

Rinat Akhmetov’s DTEK Acquires Ukrainian Energy Assets

The energy company DTEK has increased its shares in Ukraine’s four key regional power companies to controlling stakes during the past three months. Along with being the main buyer in the energy privatization campaign launched by the government late last year, DTEK has also almost... MORE

Ukrainian Government Mishandles Gas Negotiations with Moscow

President Viktor Yanukovych and his government are setting the stage, politically and legislatively, for transferring Ukrainian pipelines to Russian control, in a package deal with Gazprom. The president and government wavered and agonized at times, but are now actively preparing Ukrainian public opinion for an... MORE