Latest Articles about Energy

Tajikistan Moves Closer to Construction of Rogun HPP

The construction of the 3,600 megawatt Rogun hydro-power plant (HPP) in Tajikistan seems as close as ever. The Tajik government has recently announced its readiness to proceed with the construction of the Rogun dam. Tajik Deputy Energy Minister, Polod Muhiddinov, said that Tajikistan has enough... MORE

Armenia Passes International Nuclear Safety Test

A team of international inspectors acting under the aegis of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has given a largely positive assessment of the operational safety of Armenia’s Metsamor nuclear power plant. Its recently publicized preliminary findings are putting the Armenian government in a better... MORE

Kyrgyzstan Pleads For Russian Gas Supplies

The Kyrgyz Prime Minister Almazbek Atambayev traveled to Moscow in a sudden rush to meet with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to discuss energy-giant Gazprom’s gas supplies to Kyrgyzstan. Atambayev’s July 20 visit to Russia was unplanned, as he reacted to severe gas shortages in... MORE