Latest Articles about Foreign Policy

Is Uzbekistan’s President ‘Testing the Waters’ for a New External Policy?

On July 6, the pro-government website published an article by Uzbekistani Professor Rustamjon Abdullaev entitled, “Uzbekistan must join NATO and stake territorial and other claims against some former Soviet Union countries.” In his article, Abdullaev articulates Tashkent’s strong opposition to the construction of hydroelectric... MORE

Ukrainian-Russian Relations: Facing Cool Winter

On July 28, Vladimir Putin completed a working visit to Kyiv that immediately caused controversy about the outlook of Ukrainian-Russian relations. The Russian president had a brief meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart, Viktor Yanukovych, on July 27 while attending the official celebration of the 1025th... MORE

New Chinese Thinking on Sino-U.S. Relations?

Chinese analysts have been assessing whether recent developments, especially the presidential and U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) meetings, have affected U.S.-China relations in major ways. Their general sense is that relations have improved significantly since the nadir of 2010. This assessment, however, downplays the... MORE

The Islamicization of Turkish Foreign Policy?

Since the ousting of Egypt’s President Mohammed Morsi, Turkey’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) government has adopted a fierce anti-coup rhetoric and engaged in an intense, if futile, diplomatic campaign to reverse the developments in Egypt. So ardently has the AKP sided with Morsi that... MORE