Latest Articles about Military/Security

Week of Ceremonies Marks Wobbly Start for Putin’s New Presidential Term
Executive Summary: Russian President Vladimir Putin began his new presidential term by holding a week of events to demonstrate his continued reign but has not received the blind following he anticipated. The Kremlin is playing up its nuclear capabilities as a response to the expansion... MORE

Comac’s Homegrown Aircraft Goes Global
Executive Summary: The Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (Comac) will likely take many years developing into a veritable world-class aircraft enterprise. Over 1,200 orders have been placed for the new C919, primarily from domestic state-owned airlines. Comac has delivered 5 single-aisle planes to domestic airlines... MORE

Minsk Confirms Deployment of Russian Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Belarus
Executive Summary: At the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly in April, Belarusian officials confirmed that Russian tactical nuclear weapons had been deployed in Belarus. The new military doctrine of Belarus declares the role of Russian TNWs as an essential component of preventive deterrence against unfriendly states. The... MORE

Brief: Islamic State Spokesman Emphasizes African Focus
Executive Summary Islamic State’s (IS) spokesman hailed the group’s African “provinces” for their sustained expansion. IS has been able to continue to opportunistically consolidate its presence in Africa while global attention is concentrated elsewhere. While IS has focused on the Israel–Hamas conflict to some extent,... MORE

Brief: Questions Around Terrorism in Tajikistan and Central Asia Abound After Crocus City Hall Massacre
Executive Summary Russia’s crackdown on Tajiks following the March 22 Crocus City Hall massacre is likely leading to further alienation and subsequent radicalization among members of the ethnic group living in Russia. These individuals would bring these ideas with them if they are deported back... MORE

Anti-Junta Rebels Resort to 3D-Printed Weapons in Myanmar
Executive Summary Anti-junta rebels in Myanmar are increasingly turning to 3D-printed weaponry to fight the regime’s forces. These weapons are significantly cheaper to acquire and easier to produce than factory-made armaments. Going forward, 3D printers may offer insurgents arounds the world a new means by... MORE

Hezbollah Took Advantage of Crisis in Lebanon to Build Gold Reserve, Popularity in Preparation for War with Israel
Executive Summary Hezbollah has used Lebanon’s ongoing political and financial crisis to acquire large gold reserves from its citizens living in poverty, doing so in a way that offers the group the chance to bolster both its popularity its asset reserves in preparation for a... MORE

Baloch Separatists Continue to Launch More Sophisticated, Coordinated Attacks Against Pakistan
Executive Summary The current wave of Baloch insurgency has grown increasingly sophisticated in its attacks over the last few years, adopting new tactics and targeting a wider array of high-value targets. As the Pakistani state is beset by a fresh wave of violence from the... MORE

Russian Businesses Maintain Loyalty to Kremlin Despite War-Related Losses
Executive Summary: Russian businesses have experienced serious losses since the beginning of the war in Ukraine due to Western sanctions, but many continue to trust the Kremlin. Some companies viewed the sanctions and the isolation of Russia as an opportunity for growth in the domestic... MORE

Moscow Fearful of Losing Its Military Bases in Armenia and Tajikistan
Executive Summary: Moscow hopes the protests in Armenia about the return of four villages to Azerbaijan will spread and force Yerevan to slow its efforts to integrate with the West. The belief that Moscow is backing these protests is having the opposite effect, prompting Yerevan... MORE