Latest Articles about Military/Security

Maritime Confrontation Highlights Troubled State of China-U.S. Defense Diplomacy
The recriminations that flared between the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the United States over the latest Sino-American maritime confrontation makes evident how little progress has been made in Sino-U.S. defense dialogue during the past two decades. Clashes between U.S. and Chinese military units... MORE

Impeccable Affair and Renewed Rivalry in the South China Sea
Developments in the South China Sea during the first quarter of 2009 reinforced several trends that have been apparent over the past two years. First, the Spratly Islands dispute has once again come to dominate Sino-Philippine relations, despite attempts by Beijing and Manila to move... MORE

PLA’s “Absolute Loyalty” to the Party in Doubt
China’s military forces crossed a watershed when the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) celebrated its 60th birthday by holding a parade of state-of-the-art hardware such as indigenously developed nuclear submarines. That the 2.4-million strong People's Liberation Army (PLA) has attained quasi-superpower status was also supported... MORE

Changxing Shipbuilding Base: Home for China’s Future Indigenous Aircraft Carrier?
Recent reports circulating in the Chinese press indicate that Jiangnan Shipyard (Group) Company Limited—one of China’s oldest state-owned shipbuilding company regarded as the “cradle of China’s national [shipbuilding] industry”—could be slated by Beijing to carry out the Chinese military’s long-standing mission to build an indigenous... MORE

Manas Scheduled to Resume Civilian Status
The military and security authorities in Kyrgyzstan are actively preparing for the planned closure of United States' air base at Manas in August. Bishkek is also intensifying its efforts to strengthen the Collective Rapid Security Treaty (CSTO) by preparing a battalion to participate within the... MORE

British Government Debates Engagement with Radical Islam in New Counterterrorism Strategy
Britain’s much vaunted “Contest” counterterrorism strategy underwent what has been described as a “refresh” in March 2009. Building on the British government’s experiences on the front-line of terrorism both at home and abroad, the re-vamped strategy was referred to as a “reworking rather than a... MORE
IRAQ-BASED KOMALA PARTY DESCRIBES THE STRUGGLE FOR IRANIAN KURDISTANThe leader of an armed Kurdish-Iranian opposition group recently described his group’s continuing struggle for an autonomous Iranian Kurdistan and his views on the future of the Islamist Shi’a regime in Tehran. Details were provided in an... MORE

Kurdish Hezbollah Targets the Fethullah Gulen Movement
On April 8 Fethullah Gulen, the leader of the moderate Islamist neo-Nur movement (a Sufi Islamist network that follows the path of Islamist thinker Said Nursi who died in 1960), released a surprising statement. Gulen drew attention to a possible "social engineering" campaign about the... MORE

Medvedev Tells the West to Keep Out of Georgia
Russia has reacted angrily to the forthcoming NATO-led Partnership for Peace (PfP) exercises in Georgia. President Dmitry Medvedev called the decision to hold the exercises "shortsighted and not worthy of true partnership." He warned that tensions in the region will rise, saying: "these actions are... MORE

Turkey’s PKK-DTP Operations Further Complicate Kurdish Solution
Simultaneous operations recently conducted in twelve Turkish cities against what police sources described as urban networks of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in which 120 people were detained, including senior members of the pro-Kurdish Kurdistan Society Party (DTP) represented in the Parliament, was widely... MORE