Latest Articles about Terrorism

The Islamic State’s Ardit Ferizi: Hacking Kosovo and Beyond

Ebi Spahiu The San Bernardino attacks, which left 16 dead and 24 injured, have set the tone for an intense discussion among information technology experts and security agencies about accessing “backdoor” information technology as means to prevent potential terrorist attacks. Even though social media is... MORE

Pakistan’s Militant Conspiracy Theorist: Zaid Hamid

Farhan Zahid According to a 2014 Pew Poll, a mere 14 percent of Pakistanis have favorable views of the United States (Pew Poll, July 2014). There may be other reasons for growing anti-Americanism in Pakistan but Islamist militant conspiracy theorists play a pivotal role. According... MORE

Capitalizing on Chaos: AQAP Advances in Yemen

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has more men, is better equipped and funded, and holds more territory than at any time in its history. The only point at which the organization has enjoyed comparable strength was in the aftermath of the popular uprising against... MORE

Kashmir Jihadism and the Threat to India

It is increasingly evident that each time the relations between India and Pakistan improve, India-focused jihadist groups from across the Pakistani border attempt to disrupt it with attacks in the Indian states of Kashmir, Punjab, and elsewhere. The inevitable aim of these is to upset... MORE

The Islamic State’s Targeting Strategy in Egypt

The Egyptian government’s state of alert, under which dozens of activists were arrested ahead of the fifth anniversary of the Egyptian revolution, did not prevent militants from the Islamic State group in Sinai from claiming the lives of several policemen and soldiers across the country’s... MORE