Latest Articles about Northeast Asia
Russo-Japanese Rapprochement Moves Forward
Despite the mounting ferocity of Sino-Japanese rhetoric, China’s partner Russia is moving forward on normalizing its ties with Japan. Indeed, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met with Russian President Vladimir Putin at Sochi on February 8, and Putin has accepted an invitation to visit Tokyo... MORE
The China Factor in India-Japan Relations
New Delhi has invited Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to be the chief guest at its annual Republic Day parade, which celebrates both Indian democracy, but also showcases its military. One country in particular that will be keenly watching the visit, which will commence on... MORE
AirSea Battle and ADIZ: A Reaction to a Reaction
On November 23, China announced the creation of a new Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) covering the East China Sea. Immediate reactions have focused on its effect on the territorial claims of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. However, the new ADIZ is also a major... MORE
China’s East China Sea ADIZ: Framing Japan to Help Washington Understand
On November 23, Beijing announced that a new Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) would go into effect over the East China Sea, overlapping existing Japanese and South Korean ADIZ, requiring all air traffic passing through the zone to file flight information irrespective of its destination.... MORE
East China Sea Air Defense Moves: What for and Why Now?
China’s declaration of an Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) covering the disputed Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands—as well as the greater part of the East China Sea, including sections of Taiwan’s and South Korea’s own ADIZs—demands explanation. The announcement, issued by China’s Ministry of National Defense (MoD) on... MORE
Firm Warning, Light Consequences: China’s DPRK Policy Upholds Status Quo
The belief that China has shifted its foreign policy on North Korea has been unusually robust during this year’s Korean crisis. China is said to have responded with unprecedented toughness to its intractable neighbor’s recent nuclear test. However, further scrutiny of the available body of... MORE
Taiwan Trade Agreements with Singapore, Japan, Should Calm Fears of PRC Economic Domination
For Taiwan, November has been marked by a burst of activity on the regional trade front. On November 7, Taiwan signed a free trade agreement with Singapore, a day after signing five smaller economic deals with Japan on e-commerce, pharmaceutical regulation, railways, patent recognition and... MORE
Mongolian President’s Trip to Pyongyang: Significant Agreements, but No Meeting with Kim Jong Un
Mongolian President Tsakhia Elbegdorj, arrived in Pyongyang on October 28 for a four-day state visit, ostensibly to celebrate the 65th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic relations and the 25th anniversary of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s (DPRK) founder, Kim Il Sung’s, visit to Ulaanbaatar. Several... MORE
China-Japan Relations Worsen as Chinese Naval Aviation Flies Through “First Island Chain”
China's relationship with Japan took a turn for the worse this past week, with a number of incidents and statements increasing tensions over the disputed Diaoyu/Senkaku islands. On October 27th, a formation of H-6 bombers and Y-8 surveillance aircraft passed the disputed area on their... MORE
Prime Minister Altankhuyag’s Visit to Tokyo: Fleshing out the Mongolian-Japanese Strategic Partnership
Mongolian Prime Minister Norov Altankhuyag’s September 11–14, 2013 trip to Japan, his first overseas visit since becoming head of government in 2012, underscored the new vibrancy in Mongolian-Japanese relations. This visit reciprocated the very successful one of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to Ulaanbaatar in... MORE