Latest Articles about The Caucasus

Moscow Worried About Beijing’s ‘Sinicization’ of Central Asia, Caucasus
Moscow is increasingly worried about something it has not yet figured out how best to counter: Beijing’s use of soft power to promote the “sinicization” of cultures in the countries of Central Asia and the South Caucasus. This process, if successful, could lead those states... MORE

Ukraine Looks for Applicable Lessons in Latest Karabakh War
From the earliest days of war in Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region, some bloggers and security experts noted key similarities between the situation in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk and that of Azerbaijan’s Karabakh and surrounding areas. In both cases, war had de... MORE

Georgian Opposition Does Not Recognize Legitimacy of Newly Elected Parliament
On November 3, the leaders of all eight opposition political parties that won seats in the Georgian parliament based on the results of the October 31 elections signed an agreement pledging to refuse to take up their parliamentary mandates and to completely boycott the new... MORE

Karabakh War an Increasingly Serious Policy Challenge for Tehran
Though Iran professes neutrality in the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, calls for an immediate ceasefire, and offers to mediate between the warring sides (see EDM, October 21), Tehran’s political elite is sharply split on how to respond to the fighting in the South Caucasus. Their diverging approaches... MORE

Chechnya’s Leader Clashes With Kremlin Over French Politics
The dispute in France over freedom of speech and sacred Islamic symbols that has embroiled the country following a series of attacks there by Islamist radicals has had unexpected reverberations inside the Russian Federation (see EDM, November 2). Chechnya’s governor, Ramzan Kadyrov, publicly clashed with... MORE

Tactical Reasons Behind Military Breakthrough in Karabakh Conflict
Azerbaijan and Armenia have been locked in fierce fighting in Karabakh since September 27. Unlike in most previous clashes over this Armenian-occupied Azerbaijani territory, the present conflict has involved heavy and sophisticated weaponry wielded by both sides, but especially Azerbaijan’s Armed Forces. And while the... MORE

New Wave of Islamic Extremism Adds to Putin’s Troubles
The series of terrorist attacks in France, in late October, attracted much attention in Russia, sharply dividing public opinion and leaving President Vladimir Putin in an awkward limbo. The Kremlin leader excels at positioning himself as a counter-terrorist champion when the issue is clear and... MORE

Russia Watches as Karabakh War Reaches Decisive Turning Point
For more than a month now, Armenian and Azerbaijani forces have been fighting for the disputed territory of Karabakh and surrounding Armenian-occupied districts. Thousands of soldiers on both sides have perished, and at least hundreds of civilians have been killed and injured. But there has... MORE

Armenia, Russia Seeking to Exploit Ethnic Minorities in Azerbaijan Against Baku
The imperfect congruence of ethnic and political borders in the South Caucasus is the primary cause of the long-running conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. But it is also a major reason why both the participants in that fight as well as outside powers routinely focus... MORE

Are Georgians on the Verge of Electing Their First Coalition Government?
Georgia will hold parliamentary elections on October 31. The country’s citizens will be electing their tenth national legislature since independence, proclaimed in 1991. This weekend’s elections will be the first held under the newly modified constitutional framework, with 120 members of parliament (MP) elected via... MORE