Latest Articles about Domestic/Social

US Slaps Sanctions on Georgian Judges

On April 5, United States Secretary of State Anthony Blinken issued a statement announcing that the US State Department has publicly sanctioned Georgian judges Mikheil Chinchaladze, Levan Murusidze, Irakli Shengelia and Valerian Tsertsvadze under Section 7031(c) of the visa restriction authority. “These individuals abused their... MORE

Azerbaijani-Iranian Tensions Disrupt the South Caucasus

On March 30, Azerbaijan officially inaugurated its first embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel, after avoiding the move for three decades. Although the decision highlighted the importance of Azerbaijani-Israeli relations, it quickly became a catalyst behind the renewed war of words between Iran and Azerbaijan (,... MORE

Can Muscovy Be Considered a ‘State-Civilization’?

On March 31, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the new Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation (, March 31). The previous version had been adopted seven years ago; but even then, in 2016, its wording was significantly more diplomatic than the current document. Moscow’s... MORE

A ‘Revolution’ in Military Recruitment for Russia

On April 11, the Russian parliament passed a draft law that can be considered a “revolution” in the way Moscow conducts recruitment for the Russian Armed Forces (, April 11). This measure was passed even before the other draft law on increasing the age of... MORE

Moscow Wants Russian Society to Pay for War in Ukraine (Part One)

Despite the Russian ruling elite’s optimism about the Russian economy “stepping into a positive trajectory of growth” (RIA Novosti, February 28), the real state of affairs in economic development may not be as bright as the Russian authorities portray. Despite propaganda, Russia`s economic troubles—caused by... MORE