Latest Articles about Economics

Sweep of Putin’s African Ambitions Coming into Sharp Focus
Last January, Rosbalt commentator Aleksandr Zhelenin suggested it was a mistake to try to find some “grand political design” in Russia’s deepening involvement in Africa. The explanation for what has been occurring, he said, is “both simpler and more disturbing”: it is a reflection of... MORE

Russia Claims Uzbekistan Will Soon Join Eurasian Union
On October 2, while on an official visit to Tashkent, the chairperson of Russia’s Federation Council (upper chamber of parliament), Valentina Matviyenko, unexpectedly announced Uzbekistan’s supposed intention to join the Moscow-led Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) (RIA News, October 2). Days later, another Russian politician, Farid Mukhamedshin,... MORE

Sevastopol Port in Russian-Occupied Crimea Near Bankruptcy
An old Soviet joke had it that if Saudi Arabia ever became communist, Riyadh would be importing sand within five years. The situation around the once-prosperous Ukrainian port in Sevastopol suggests a similar dynamic: if the Russians occupy something, as they have in Crimea, it... MORE

Editor’s Note for Military-Civil Fusion Issue (October 2019)
Editor’s Note: This is a special theme issue of China Brief, focused on the evolving concept of “military-civil fusion” (军民融合, junmin ronghe), or MCF, a complex set of initiatives by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to share resources between the military and civilian industry.... MORE

Military-Civil Fusion: Beijing’s “Guns AND Butter” Strategy to Become a Technological Superpower
Note: This article leverages previous research and analysis on China’s military-civil fusion strategy by Pointe Bello, a strategic intelligence and advisory firm specializing in China. Introduction A great gamble is underway in China, as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) attempts to introduce new concepts that... MORE

The New Potemkin Village: Russia in the Far East
Moscow’s vaunted “pivot to the East” did not begin when Vladimir Putin returned to the presidency in 2012. Instead, it dates back to late 2006, when he ordered the development of the Russian Far East and Siberia. Others may prefer to believe it began with... MORE

The Belt and Road Initiative Adds More Partners, But Beijing Has Fewer Dollars to Spend
In October 2013, President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) unveiled the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), an ambitious plan to build infrastructure and improve transport connectivity in more than 60 countries across Asia and beyond. Since that time, the BRI has... MORE

In Ulaanbaatar, Russian President Putin Celebrates Joint Soviet-Mongolian Victory on Eve of World War II
Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Mongolia on September 2–3 to celebrate the 80thanniversary of the Battle of Khalkhin Gol, also known as the Battle of Nomonhan (TASS, September 4). The armed encounter occurred between the Soviet-Mongolian military and the Japanese Kwantung Army in August–September 1939.... MORE

Strategic Consequences of Russia’s Economic Presence in the Suez Canal Zone
Belarus recently announced plans to join the Russian Industrial Zone (RIZ) in the Suez Canal. Eventually, Minsk intends to set up its own industrial park in the Egyptian Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZone); but for now, Belarus is content to cooperate with Moscow in the... MORE

Eastern Economic Forum Confirms Strong Foreign Interest in Russian Arctic Territories
Russia declared the fifth Eastern Economic Forum (EEF), hosted in Vladivostok, on September 4–6, to have been the most “fruitful” since the event’s creation: reportedly, 270 contracts were signed with foreign investors and 8,500 guests (from 65 countries, representing 440 global companies/businesses) attended the forum.... MORE