Latest Articles about Energy

China Makes Strides in Energy “Go-out” Strategy

In recent months, Chinese National Oil Companies (NOCs) struck four major overseas energy deals with Russia, Kazakhstan, Brazil and Venezuela for a combined value of nearly $50 billion in Chinese capital (Dow Jones News, February 17). The growing footprint and outreach of these NOCs have... MORE

Tymoshenko Faces Damaging Domestic Gas Price Increases

European Commission (EC) and Ukrainian government experts will meet in Kiev on July 24 to discuss Ukraine's request for a loan to pump Russian gas into underground reservoirs for the winter. As the Naftohaz Ukrainy state-controlled oil and gas behemoth is nearly bankrupt, Ukraine has... MORE

Nabucco Intergovernmental Agreement Signed in Ankara

On July 13 the Nabucco transit countries removed an important obstacle for the strategic pipeline project. Attending a high profile meeting hosted by Turkey, the prime ministers of Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Turkey inked the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA). The ceremony was also attended by... MORE

Ankara Approves Nabucco Following High Level Visit to Moscow

Ankara has reportedly finally given the green light to the Nabucco project, and the intergovernmental agreement might be signed on July 13. When the news broke on the Russian deal with Azerbaijan (EDM, July 2), the Turkish media initially suggested it represented a lethal blow... MORE