Latest Articles about Energy

About Turn: Arms, Oil, Gas and Politics in Bulgaria

Russian President Vladimir Putin miscalculated again when he stopped natural gas shipments to Poland and Bulgaria on April 27. Now Russia appears to have lost the gas markets in both countries as they are preparing to permanently wean themselves from Russian energy supplies. The official... MORE

The South Caucasus and Central Asia: Diversifying the EU Gas Market

In early April, high-level Italian and French delegations traveled separately to Azerbaijan to discuss cooperation in the energy sector, including natural gas exports and “green” electricity generated from Caspian-basin wind (, April 2, 8). The twin visits occurred against the background of mounting anxieties about... MORE

Baltic States Bet on New LNG Regasification Capacities

On April 19, the Latvian Economy Minister Jānis Vitenbergs announced his government’s decision to support entirely abandoning natural gas supplies from Russia by the end of 2022 (, April 19). The strategy in that regard relies on expanding liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification capacity across... MORE

Middle Corridor: Potential Alternative to Russian Railways?

The Russo-Ukrainian war has cast doubt on the sustainability of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative’s (BRI) “Northern Corridor” because of mounting Western sanctions on this overland route’s key links—Russia and Belarus (see EDM, April 8, 18). The growing vulnerability of the Northern Corridor, which... MORE