Latest Articles about Military/Security

Moscow Severs Diplomatic Relations With NATO
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Russia have effectively severed their diplomatic relations, which were established some 20 years ago, when both sides declared their Cold War rivalry was over and they were no longer enemies. On October 6, 2021, NATO Secretary General Jens... MORE

Russian Military Enhances UACV Strike Capability
The leadership of Russia’s Armed Forces has used the introduction and diversification of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) as a means to boost target acquisition in combat operations. The role of both UAVs and unmanned aerial combat vehicles (UACV) in Russian military planning is extending into... MORE

Russia’s Cossacks: Strategic Asset or Financial Liability?
The Cossack revivalist movement in southern Russia (and beyond) since the collapse of the Soviet Union is marked by two parallel tendencies. On the one hand, there is Cossack activism based on appeals to ancestral identity. This is geared not merely toward the revitalization of... MORE

The EU-Russia Antagonism Stretches From Ukraine to the Arctic
In its multi-domain confrontation with the West, Russia presumes that the main driver is the rivalry with the United States, while typically portraying the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as a sworn but disorganized enemy. However, it is in fact the European Union that is... MORE

Who Is Losing Belarus?
On October 7, the European Parliament (EP) passed a resolution demanding that the European Union (EU) impose the fifth package of economic sanctions on Belarus, including additional sectors, such as metallurgy, woodworking, and chemical. According to the EP, the sanctions should affect “all remaining uncovered... MORE

Russian Mercenaries’ Potential Advent to Mali
According to various reports, members of Russia’s notorious Wagner Private Military Company (PMC) have been transported to Mali to render assistance to the local interim government (, September 27). Given the presence of Russian mercenaries in other parts of Sub-Saharan Africa (, September 11, 2020),... MORE

The Realities of Russian Military Shipbuilding (Part Two)
*To read Part One, please click here. A constant drumbeat of Russian propaganda and sensationalist international reporting has created the impression that Russia’s naval forces are much more formidable than is actually the case. This has convinced some Western decision-makers that any policy designed... MORE

Zapad 2021 Suggests, in Event of War, Moscow Could Seize Baltics but Lose Kaliningrad
Military exercises not only make known what a government believes could happen but become an occasion for its analysts and those in other countries to speculate as to what the outcomes of a real military conflict would be if the scenarios were to be applied... MORE

Russian Authorities Expand and Tighten Clampdown on Opposition
On September 28, the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB—one of the main successor organizations of the Soviet KGB) published an official order, Number 376, that lists some 60 ambiguous reference points covering all possible information about the state of battle readiness, location, structure and operations... MORE

Yemen’s Houthis Close in on Marib
After a brief lull in fighting, the rebels of the Yemeni Houthi movement, Ansar Allah, are closer than they have ever been to surrounding Marib city. The city, which is the capital of the governorate of the same name, is also the de-facto capital of... MORE