Latest Articles about Military/Security
From MUJWA to Macina: Amadou Kouffa’s Fulani-Led Jihad in Mali
Jacob Zenn One of the newest groups to emerge in the Sahelian jihadist landscape since 2015 is the Macina Liberation Front (FLM). Its leader, Amadou Kouffa, however, is unlike other leaders in the region. He does not crave publicity or appear in “jihadist videos” to... MORE
The Islamic State’s Ardit Ferizi: Hacking Kosovo and Beyond
Ebi Spahiu The San Bernardino attacks, which left 16 dead and 24 injured, have set the tone for an intense discussion among information technology experts and security agencies about accessing “backdoor” information technology as means to prevent potential terrorist attacks. Even though social media is... MORE
Pakistan’s Militant Conspiracy Theorist: Zaid Hamid
Farhan Zahid According to a 2014 Pew Poll, a mere 14 percent of Pakistanis have favorable views of the United States (Pew Poll, July 2014). There may be other reasons for growing anti-Americanism in Pakistan but Islamist militant conspiracy theorists play a pivotal role. According... MORE
Muhammad Shafi Armar: From Indian Mujahideen to Islamic State Recruiter
Animesh Roul In late January 2016, India’s elite anti-terrorism agency, the National Investigating Agency (NIA), stumbled on an unknown extremist network, the Junood al-Khilafa-e-Hind (JKH), known to be sympathetic to the Islamic State. With the arrest of nearly 14 suspects in a countrywide search and... MORE

Russia and North Korea’s Nuclear and Missile Tests
Most Western reporting on the aftermath of North Korea’s nuclear and missile tests in January–February 2016 has focused on China. However, Russia, too, has important interests at stake in Korea and is a charter member of the Six-Party Talks on the Democratic People’s Republic of... MORE

Importance of Syrian Turkmen to Turkey
War-torn Syria is days away from the start of a negotiated partial ceasefire, which is supposed to temporarily end fighting between rebel groups and government forces supported by Russian supplies and bombing sorties. The ceasefire, agreed to by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his... MORE

Moscow Triumphant, as US in Full Retreat in Middle East
On February 22, which was a public holiday in Russia, President Vladimir Putin went on national television with a newsflash to announce that, after a phone call with the United States’ President Barack Obama, a US-Russian agreement was secured to declare a ceasefire in the... MORE

Russia’s Cost-Benefit Interest in Syria
As Washington and Moscow join efforts to initiate a ceasefire in war-torn Syria, there is growing evidence that Russian policymakers believe the cost-benefit side of the military intervention is yielding political dividends. Despite the low-cost and low-risk side of the military equation, limited in terms... MORE

The PLA’s New Organizational Structure: What is Known, Unknown, and Speculation (Part 2)
Note: This article is part of a series examining changes to China’s Military organizational structure and personnel. Part 1 examines what is known and unknown. Part 2 contains speculation as to changes that may occur in the future. Parts 1&2 are available as a single document... MORE

For Moscow, Talks Are About Sowing Discord, not Solving Conflicts
A ceasefire in Syria, which appeared possible if not probable in early February, has again turned out to be unreachable. And in hindsight, it is rather obvious that it never had a chance. The deal that was negotiated on the side lines of the Munich... MORE