Latest Articles about Military/Security

Azerbaijan Is Drifting Away From Russia, and Moscow Has Only Itself to Blame
The Russian political class, epitomized by the ruling United Russia party and its leaders, might well be one of the most destructive phenomena that has swept the country in recent decades. Anything goes to ensure their grip on power stays firm, and the pleasures of... MORE

Three Russian Discourses and Significant Silence on the War in Ukraine
The noise of jingoist propaganda and anti-Western hysteria emanating from Moscow is not as monotonous as it often seems, and the variations expose significant differences between and within Russian elite groups. Recent military setbacks, such as the destruction of a mixed air group over the... MORE

Brief: JNIM Pursuing Localized Agenda in Mali
In recent months, the northwestern Syria-based militant group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which operates under the leadership of Abu Muhammed al-Julani, has reasserted that its operational and geographical agenda is limited to only a local scope. The group, furthermore, has lived up to these claims... MORE

Brief: Abu Sayyaf Surrenders Indicate Growing Dysfunction
On May 23, eight former Abu Sayyaf members surrendered to the Philippine government by handing over their guns and pledging loyalty to the state (, May 26). This continues the broader depletion of the group’s ranks due to defections, which have put the group on... MORE

Narrative Battle Surrounds Killings of Communist Insurgent Couple in the Philippines
On April 20, the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) confirmed the deaths of Benito Tiamzon (Ka Laan) and his wife Wilma Austria-Tiamzon (Ka Bagong-tao). The 71-year old Benito was the Chairman of the CPP Executive Committee, while the 70-year old Wilma was the CPP’s... MORE

France Seeks Influence Reboot in Africa Amid Sahelian Military Withdrawal
On March 4, during his trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), French president Emmanuel Macron shared his vision for France, with Paris remaining deeply engaged in Africa. He portrayed France as the European partner which had the greatest amount in common with African... MORE

Sudan’s Fratricidal Conflict: An Assessment of SAF and RSF Strategies and Tactics
The ongoing conflict in Sudan pits two very different wings of the Sudanese military in a struggle to control a population that would largely prefer democratic civilian rule over domination by either force after decades of political and economic stagnation under military rule. Differences in... MORE

China Makes Its Move in Central Asia
At the recent China–Central Asia summit on May 18 and 19, Beijing presented a comprehensive plan for expanding cooperation with the Central Asian states that would usurp Russia’s position in the region (, May 20). The convening of this summit underlined the fact that, at... MORE

The Nuclear Angle in Belarus
On April 26, the so-called “Chernobyl Way,” an annual march of Belarusians to mark the anniversary of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster, took place around the world. This year, however, the march was held under a special format, as it represented not only an... MORE

A Tale of Two Summits: G7 Displays Unity as China Courts Central Asia
The U.S. appears to have succeeded in coaxing its European and Asian allies into adopting a united policy to counter China, even as the Xi Jinping administration flexed its muscle, demonstrating Beijing’s increasing power and influence in Central Asia. At their meeting in Hiroshima, Japan... MORE