Latest Articles about Terrorism

Brief: Indonesia Reins in Islamic State Remnants

It has been nearly ten years since Indonesia’s elite counter-terrorism force, Densus 88, began hunting down the country’s most influential Islamic State (IS) loyalist, Santoso, in Sulawesi in 2015. The force eventually killed him in 2016 (, December 1, 2015). Since Santoso’s death and IS’s... MORE

Abdallah Ag Albakaye: JNIM’s Tuareg Emir in Mali’s Gao Region

Abdallah Ag Albakaye holds a prominent position within Mali-based Jama'at Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimin (JNIM) as its emir in Talataye. The village of Talataye is in Gao, but is strategically located between the Menaka and Kidal regions. Ag Albakaye originally belonged to the JNIM sub-group,... MORE