
Showing 129–144 of 246 results

Building a Strong Informatized Strategic Missile Force

Building a Strong Informatized Strategic Missile Force: An Overview of the Second Artillery Force with a Focus on Training in 2014 By Kenneth W. Allen and Jana Allen Available for Free Download at the Bottom of the Page This report analyzes the training and personnel recruitment of the... MORE
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Militant Leadership Monitor – March 2012 Issue

The March 2012 issue of Militant Leadership Monitor begins with two briefs - one covers the Indian Mujahideen's Yasin Bhatkal, while the other details the leadership vacuum in the Upper Huallaga Valley. Following the theme of leadership vacuums, the first article profiles the questionable status... MORE
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Militant Leadership Monitor – January 2016 Issue

The January 2016 issue of Militant Leadership Monitor begins with briefs about Turkmen Iraqi leader, Arshad al-Salehi, and a Libyan military commander by the name of Salam Jadallah al-Ubaidi. The first profile in the issue describes the significance of Abu Wardah Santoso in the uptick... MORE
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2015 Ninth Annual Terrorism Conference DVD

On December 8, 2015, The Jamestown Foundation held its ninth annual terrorism conference on The War in Syria, Islamic State and the Changing Landscape of Asymmetric Threats, at the University Club in Washington, DC. This full-length set of DVDs covers opening remarks, three conference panels and... MORE
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Militant Leadership Monitor – November 2015 Issue

The November 2015 issue of Militant Leadership Monitor starts off with a brief of Major General Muhammad Khaddour, the Syrian loyalist commander in charge of the Raqqa, Deir al-Zor and al-Hasakah Governorates, where the Islamic State is located. Nicholas Heras follows this up with a... MORE
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China and Afghanistan After the NATO Withdrawal

By Richard Weitz Available for Free Download at the Bottom of the Page Chinese policymakers have conflicting sentiments regarding the planned military withdrawal of the United States and its allies from Afghanistan. PRC officials have expressed their commitment to collaborate with the international community to promote political... MORE
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Militant Leadership Monitor – October 2015 Issue

The October 2015 issue of Militant Leadership Monitor covers several militants connected with the ongoing conflict in Syria and Iraq. Nicholas Heras begins with a brief on Shaykh Auws al-Khafaji and Shaykh Ammar al-Lami, the Secretary General and primary adjutant, respectively, of an Iraqi Shi'a group that fights on behalf... MORE
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European Foreign Fighters in the Islamic State

In this Quarterly Special Report (QSR), Jamestown looks at European foreign fighters within the Islamic State. One of the most unique aspects of the Islamic State organization is its targeted recruitment of foreign fighters. Thousands of men and women from around the world have traveled... MORE
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Militant Leadership Monitor – August 2015

The August 2015 issue of Militant Leadership Monitor begins with three briefs. Nicholas Heras first looks at Shaykh Hammoud Saeed al-Mikhlafi, a key ally of Saudi Arabia against the Houthis in Taiz. Then, Matthew Czekaj discusses Poland's first suicide bomber with the Islamic State, Jacek... MORE
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Militant Leadership Monitor – July 2015 Issue

The July 2015 issue of Militant Leadership Monitor covers militants from Libya to Pakistan. Nicholas Heras begins with a brief on Muhanna Jaffala, an Aleppan student turned rebel leader who was just severely injured in an assassination attempt. Heras follows with another on Faraj al-Barassi, the Libyan... MORE
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Militant Leadership Monitor – June 2015 Issue

The June 2015 issue of Militant Leadership Monitor starts off with a brief of Captain Abd al-Nasr Shmeir, a former Syrian soldier turned militia leader in the Damascus suburban area of Ghouta. Nicholas Heras follows this up with one on Shaykh Abu Rateb al-Homsi, a... MORE
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