Volume 12 Issue 23
November 30, 2012- Communist Youth League Clique Maintains Clout Despite Congress Setback
- Non-Military Escalation: China Cultivates New Heft in Civil Maritime Forces
- The 18th Party Congress Work Report: Policy Blueprint for the Xi Administration
- China’s New Leaders to Strengthen the Party-State
- The Unrepentant China Model
Volume 12 Issue 22
November 16, 2012- New CMC Vice Chairmen Strong Advocates for Joint, Modern Chinese Military
- Parsing the Selection of China’s New High Command
- Central Committee Roundup; Zhuhai Air Show Highlights Burgeoning Aerospace Industry
- A Bump in the Road for Taiwan and Japan but Little More
- 18th Party Congress Showcases Stunning Setback to Reform
Volume 12 Issue 21
November 5, 2012Volume 12 Issue 20
October 19, 2012Volume 12 Issue 19
October 5, 2012- Foreign Businesses in China: Out on a Limb?
- Examining the New Aircraft Carrier through the PLA’s Revolution in “Organizational” Affairs
- System of Systems Operational Capability: Key Supporting Concepts for Future Joint Operations
- Zhou Yongkang’s Trip Highlights Security Diplomacy
- Four More Years: The DPP Assesses its 2012 Loss and Looks Ahead to 2016
Volume 12 Issue 18
September 21, 2012Volume 12 Issue 17
September 7, 2012- Sino-Japanese Relations: Citizens Taking Charge Despite Government Efforts
- China's Shades of Grey
- China’s Search for a “New Type of Great Power Relationship”
- Diaoyu-Senkaku Crisis Tests Resilience of Beijing’s Japan Diplomacy
- Angola Operation Shows China Testing Overseas Security Role; Cambodian Visit to China Rubs Salt in ASEAN Wounds
Volume 12 Issue 15
August 3, 2012- Waypoint or Destination? The Jin-Class Submarine and China’s Quest for Sea-Based Nuclear Deterrence
- China Pushes on the South China Sea, ASEAN Unity Collapses
- Portents of Change in China's Social Management
- Succession Politicking Probably Limiting Bo Family's Punishments
- Looking Ahead at Politburo Possibilities
Volume 12 Issue 14
July 19, 2012- Polar Stakes: China’s Polar Activities as a Benchmark for Intentions
- Uzbekistan's Balancing Act With China: A View From the Ground
- The Soapbox and the Truncheon: Hu Jintao’s Amorphous Power
- Beijing Plays Up the Carrot While Still Wielding the Stick
- Shoring Up PLA “Military Cultural Security” to Ensure Stability
Volume 12 Issue 13
July 6, 2012Volume 12 Issue 12
June 22, 2012- China’s Air Force Female Aviators: Sixty Years of Excellence (1952-2012)
- From Strength to Strength: Military Exercises Bolster Sino-Thai Relations
- Su Tseng-Chang and the Future of the DPP
- China Deploys Pugilistic Foreign Policy with New Vigor
- Central Party School’s Critiques Suggest New Leadership Dynamics
Volume 12 Issue 11
May 25, 2012Volume 12 Issue 10
May 11, 2012- Local Government Financing Growing Increasingly Precarious
- Assessing China’s Response Options to Kidnappings Abroad
- Exploring Constitutional Reform in the Wake of the Bo Xilai Affair
- Chen Guangcheng Fiasco Shows Dim Prospects for Political-Legal Reform
- State Council Highlights China’s Information Security Challenges
Volume 12 Issue 9
April 26, 2012- The Limits of Reform: Assaulting the Castle of the Status Quo
- Sino-Philippine Tension and Trade Both Rising amid Scarborough Standoff
- Hu Jintao’s Sixth Generation Protégés Play Safe to Ensure Promotion
- Assessing the Growing PLA Air Force Foreign Relations Program
- ASEAN and the South China Sea: Movement in Lieu of Progress
Volume 12 Issue 8
April 12, 2012Volume 12 Issue 7
March 30, 2012- Taiwan Navy Sailing Ahead with Indigenous Submarine Program
- Exploring Unmanned Drones as an Option for China’s First Carrier
- Beijing’s Post-Bo Xilai Loyalty Drive Could Blunt Calls for Reform
- Politics and the PLA: Securing Social Stability
- Zhou Yongkang and the Tarnished Reputation of China's Police
Volume 12 Issue 6
March 15, 2012- Beijing Denies Russian Rumors of Su-35 Purchase; Evaluating China's Intelligence Penetration of Taiwan
- The PLA’s Three-Pronged Approach to Achieving Jointness in Command and Control
- Coal to Newcastle? Understanding China’s Coal Importing Behavior
- Pivot and Parry: China's Response to America's New Defense Strategy
- Sino-Indian Border Negotiations: Problems and Prospects
Volume 12 Issue 5
March 2, 2012- PLA Air Force Male Aviation Cadet Recruitment, Education and Training
- Another Lei Feng Revival: Making Maoism Safe for China
- Hu Jintao Draws Blood with the Wang Lijun Scandal
- The Dalai Lama Card Reappears in Sino-Mongolian Relations
- China’s New Property Tax: Toward a Stable Financial Future for Local Government?
Volume 12 Issue 4
February 21, 2012- A Model Company: CETC Celebrates 10 Years of Civil-Military Integration
- Mekong River Patrols in Full Swing but Challenges Remain
- China’s Persian Gulf Diplomacy Reflects Delicate Balancing Act
- Civilian UAV Production as a Window to the PLA’s Unmanned Fleet
- Security Chief’s Efforts to Seal Up the Political-Legal Chairmanship
Volume 12 Issue 3
February 3, 2012Volume 12 Issue 2
January 20, 2012- China in 2012: Foreign Affairs a Secondary Priority but Salient Challenges Ahead
- China in 2012: Shifting Perspectives - Assessing the PLA from the Ground Up
- China in 2012: Political Challenges in China’s Economic Governance
- China in 2012: The Politics and Policy of Leadership Succession
- Editor’s Note: Executive Summary for “China in 2012”
Volume 12 Issue 1
January 6, 2012- New Departments and Research Centers Highlight Military’s Concerns for the Future
- The Grim Future of the Wukan Model for Managing Dissent
- ECFA and the Elections: Implications for Cross-Strait Relations
- How Pakistan’s Unstable Tribal Areas Threaten China’s Core Interests
- Problems and Prospects for China’s Ship-Based Aviation Program