Volume 15 Issue 24
December 21, 2015Volume 15 Issue 23
December 7, 2015Volume 15 Issue 22
November 16, 2015- Sino-Nepalese Relations: Handshake Across the Himalayas
- China and the Quiet Kingdom: An Assessment of China-Oman Relations
- Ensuring Comprehensive State Security in the “Ideological Battleground” Online
- China’s Turn Toward Regional Restructuring, Counter-Intervention: A Review of Authoritative Sources
- After the Tour: Xi Jinping’s Southeast Asian Diplomacy
Volume 15 Issue 21
November 2, 2015Volume 15 Issue 20
October 19, 2015Volume 15 Issue 19
October 2, 2015- China’s Search for a “Strategic Air Force”
- China and Russia Multiply Efforts in Global Agenda-Setting
- Xi Jinping Burnishes Foreign Policy Credentials Despite Lack of Achievement At U.S. Summit
- Chinese Rocket Launches Point to Robust, Expanding Capabilities
- The End of China’s Play in the Canadian Oil Sandbox?
Volume 15 Issue 18
September 9, 2015- PLA Transformation: Difficult Military Reforms Begin
- The Park-Xi Friendship and South Korea’s New Focus on China
- Taiwan’s Han Kuang Exercises: Training for a Chinese Invasion One Drill at a Time
- The ‘Triple Win’: Beijing’s Blueprint for International Industrial Capacity Cooperation
- Xi Jinping’s Visit to the United States to Highlight Internet Rules, Economic Cooperation, Differences
Volume 15 Issue 17
September 3, 2015- President Xi Suspects Political Conspiracy Behind Tianjin Blasts
- PLA Special Operations: Combat Missions and Operations Abroad
- Rural China’s Public Security Vacuum
- The Future of Cyber Conflict: Beijing Rewrites Internet Sovereignty Along Territorial Lines
- Chinese Military Parade Emphasizes Peace, Displays Military Might While Cutting Troop Numbers
Volume 15 Issue 16
August 18, 2015- Mongolia’s Place in China’s ‘One Belt, One Road’
- China’s Military Modernization: The Legacy of Admiral Wu Shengli
- China Stokes Anti-Japanese Sentiment After Abe Speech, Ahead of September Parade
- PLA Special Operations: Forces, Command, Training and Future Direction
- President Xi Lays Down His Own “Political Rules”
Volume 15 Issue 14
July 17, 2015- In a Fortnight: Myanmar's Leaders Court China Despite Violence Along Border
- A Nuclear Deal with Chinese Characteristics: China’s Role in the P5+1 Talks with Iran
- China's Draft Counter-Terrorism Law
- From “Game Player” to “Game Maker”: News Features of China’s Foreign Policy
- Stock Market Crash Reveals Serious Flaws in the Xi Administration's Economic Policies
Volume 15 Issue 13
July 2, 2015- China’s New Military Strategy: “Winning Informationized Local Wars”
- The Chinese Public Debates North Korea Policy
- China’s Counter-Terrorism Vanguard: Public Security Border Control Troops’ Organization, Strategy, Training and Intelligence Capability
- Dual-Use Ships and Facilities Send Mixed Message in South China Sea
- Nuclear Policy Issues in the 2013 Edition of The Science of Military Strategy: Part 2 on PLA Second Artillery Force (PLASAF) Strategy and Capabilities
Volume 15 Issue 12
June 19, 2015- The 2015 Chinese Defense White Paper on Strategy in Perspective: Maritime Missions Require a Change in the PLA Mindset
- Special Issue on 2015 Defense White Paper on Military Strategy
- The “Holistic Security Concept”: The Securitization of Policy and Increasing Risk of Militarized Crisis
- Network Warfare in China’s 2015 Defense White Paper
- White Paper Expounds Civil-Military Relations in Xi Era
Volume 15 Issue 11
May 29, 2015- President Xi’s Visit to Belarus Prompts Questions of New Line on Taiwan
- Nuclear Policy Issues in the 2013 Edition of The Science of Military Strategy: Part 1 on Nuclear Policy, Strategy and Force Modernization
- China’s “One Belt, One Road” Strategy Meets the UAE’s Look East Policy
- Chinese Submarines in Sri Lanka Unnerve India: Next Stop Pakistan?
- China’s North Korea Policy: in The Footsteps of Russia?
Volume 15 Issue 10
May 15, 2015Volume 15 Issue 9
May 1, 2015- The Top Trends in China’s Military Diplomacy
- Game Change in the Western Pacific Region and R.O.C.’s Self-Defense Effort
- PLA Special Operations Forces: Organizations, Missions and Training
- China’s Global Maritime Presence: Hard and Soft Dimensions of PLAN Antipiracy Operations
- China Takes Stock of U.S.-Japan Alliance as Abe Speaks to Congress
Volume 15 Issue 8
April 16, 2015- China’s Evolving Perspectives on Network Warfare: Lessons from the Science of Military Strategy
- Chinese Views on the Information “Center of Gravity”: Space, Cyber and Electronic Warfare
- Rolling Out the New Silk Road: Railroads Undergird Beijing’s Strategy
- China’s Maodun: A Free Internet Caged by the Chinese Communist Party
- Chinese Military Think Tanks: “Chinese Characteristics” and the “Revolving Door”
Volume 15 Issue 7
April 3, 2015Volume 15 Issue 6
March 19, 2015- NPC Meeting Touts New Silk Road as New Driver for Economic Growth
- Xi’s Bold Foreign Policy Agenda: Beijing’s Pursuit of Global Influence and the Growing Risk of Sino-U.S. Rivalry
- Future Scenarios on the New Silk Road: Security, Strategy and the SCO
- The Maritime Silk Road and the PLA: Part One
- Mission Mostly Accomplished: China’s Energy Trade and Investment Along the Silk Road Economic Belt
Volume 15 Issue 5
March 6, 2015- China Plays Helo Card to Shift Military Balance in East China Sea Dispute
- A Modern Cult of Personality? Xi Jinping Aspires To Be The Equal of Mao and Deng
- Incomplete Transformation: PLA Joint Training and Warfighting Capabilities
- Cracking Down on Foreign Espionage Channels
- The New Silk Road and Latin America: Will They Ever Meet?
Volume 15 Issue 4
February 20, 2015- Without Lips Teeth Feel the Cold? Chinese Support for Russia in the Ukraine Crisis
- “Serve in a Company” and “Switch Posts”: Mix of Old and New in Recent PLA Personnel Policies
- The Wolves of Zhurihe: China’s OPFOR Comes of Age
- “Hope” versus “Hype”: Reforms in China’s Free Trade Zones
- Dispatch from Beijing: PLA Writings on the New Silk Road
Volume 15 Issue 3
February 4, 2015- A Mandate, Not a Putsch: The Secret of Xi’s Success
- China-Iran Military Relations at a Crossroads
- U.S. Suggestion For Japanese Patrols in South China Sea Prompts ADIZ Threat
- President Xi Clears the Way for Military Reform: PLA Corruption, Clique Breaking and Making, and Personnel Shuffle
- Growing CCDI Power Brings Questions of Politically-Motivated Purge
Volume 15 Issue 2
January 23, 2015- The Impact of SOE Reform On Chinese Overseas Investment
- Energy Security, Geopolitics and the China-Russia Gas Deals
- “Ruling the Internet According to Law”: Chinese Internet Governance in 2014 and Beyond
- China’s “Server Sinification” Campaign for Import Substitution: Strategy and Snowden (Part 2)
- Obama’s State of the Union “A Mix of Love and Hate” Toward China
Volume 15 Issue 1
January 9, 2015- Xi Jinping Consolidates Power by Promoting Alumni of the Nanjing Military Region
- Jinglue Haiyang: The Naval Implications of Xi Jinping’s New Strategic Concept
- Chinese Public Opinion and North Korea: Will Anger Lead to Policy Change?
- China’s New Silk Road Takes Shape in Central and Eastern Europe
- Maritime Insecurity in the Gulf of Guinea: A Greater Role for China?