About Us
The Jamestown Foundation’s mission is to inform policymakers and the broader community about events and trends in societies that are critical to the United States and its partners. Jamestown provides objective analysis and context, drawing upon indigenous and primary sources.
The Jamestown Foundation’s main publications are China Brief, Eurasia Daily Monitor and Terrorism Monitor. Click on the map below to explore them.

Founded in 1984 by William Geimer, The Jamestown Foundation made a direct contribution to the downfall of Communism through its dissemination of information about the closed totalitarian societies of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.
William Geimer worked with Arkady Shevchenko, the highest-ranking Soviet official ever to defect when he left his position as undersecretary general of the United Nations. Shevchenko’s memoir “Breaking With Moscow” revealed the details of Soviet superpower diplomacy, arms control strategy and tactics in the Third World, at the height of the Cold War. Through its work with Shevchenko, Jamestown rapidly became the leading source of information about the inner workings of the captive nations of the former Communist Bloc. In addition to Shevchenko, Jamestown assisted the former top Romanian intelligence officer Ion Pacepa in writing his memoirs. Jamestown ensured that both men published their insights and experience in what became bestselling books. Even today, several decades later, some credit Pacepa’s revelations about Ceausescu’s regime in his bestselling book Red Horizons with the fall of that government and the freeing of Romania.
The Jamestown Foundation has emerged as a leading provider of information about Eurasia. Our research and analysis on conflict and instability in Eurasia enabled Jamestown to become one of the most reliable sources of information on the post-Soviet space, the Caucasus and Central Asia as well as China. Furthermore, since 9/11, Jamestown has utilized its network of indigenous experts in more than 50 different countries to conduct research and analysis on terrorism and the growth of al-Qaeda and al-Qaeda offshoots throughout the globe.
By drawing on our ever-growing global network of experts, Jamestown has become a vital source of unfiltered, open-source information about major conflict zones around the world—from the Black Sea to Siberia, from the Persian Gulf to Latin America and the Pacific. Our core of intellectual talent includes former high-ranking government officials and military officers, political scientists, journalists, scholars and economists. Their insight contributes significantly to policymakers engaged in addressing today’s newly emerging global threats in the post 9/11 world.
Nikolai Getman: The Gulag Collection
In 1946, an artist named Nikolai Getman was imprisoned in the Soviet Union’s GULAG, a system of forced labor camps across Siberia and the interior of the USSR. Upon his release in 1954, Getman commenced a public career as a politically correct painter. Secretly, however, for more than four decades, Getman labored at creating a visual record of the GULAG, which vividly depicts all aspects of the horrendous life (and death) so many innocent millions experienced during that infamous era. Getman’s collection is unique because it is the only visual record known to exist of this tragic phenomenon. In early 1997, The Jamestown Foundation learned of The Gulag Collection and that Getman was desperate to get the painting transported to the West; he feared that upon his death they would be destroyed. With the financial support of Jim Kimsey, The Jamestown Foundation brought the paintings to the United States, where in 1997 they were put on display in the U.S. Congress. The Collection remained with Jamestown until 2009, when it was permanently transferred to the Heritage Foundation, where it resides today (heritage.org).
Donor Privacy & Confidentiality Policy
Effective Date: January 2023
At The Jamestown Foundation, we are committed to protecting the privacy and security of our donors’ personal information. This Donor Privacy and Confidentiality Policy outlines our commitment to protecting donor data and privacy and describes how we collect, use, store, and share donor information. By interacting with our organization and providing your personal information, you consent to the practices described in this policy.
- Information Collection: We collect personal information from donors when they engage in activities such as making donations, signing up for our publications, newsletters, or participating in events. The information we collect may include:
- Name, address, email address, and phone number
- Donation history and contribution details
- Payment information (credit card details, bank account numbers, etc.)
- Communication preferences
- Use of Information: We use the collected donor information for the following purposes:
- Processing donations and providing donation acknowledgements
- Communicating with donors about our activities, events, and campaigns
- Sending newsletters and other relevant updates
- Conducting donor surveys and feedback requests
- Internal record-keeping and analysis
- Data Security: We take reasonable measures to protect donor data from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. We use industry-standard security practices to safeguard the information we collect, including encryption, secure networks, and access controls. However, please note that no method of transmission or storage is completely secure, and we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your data.
- Third-Party Disclosure: We do not sell, trade, or rent donor information to third parties. However, we may share certain data with trusted service providers who assist us in carrying out our activities, such as payment processors or email service providers. These service providers are contractually obligated to maintain the confidentiality and security of the data and can only use it for the purposes specified by us.
- Donor Rights: Donors have the right to:
- Access their personal information held by us
- Request corrections or updates to their information
- Opt-out of receiving future communications
- Request the deletion of their personal information, subject to legal obligations
To exercise these rights or for any questions regarding this policy, donors can contact us using the provided contact information.
8. Data Retention: We retain donor data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this policy or as required by law. When donor information is no longer needed, we securely dispose of or anonymize it to prevent unauthorized access.
9. Policy Updates: We may update this Donor Privacy and Confidentiality Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or legal requirements. We encourage donors to review this policy periodically for any updates. The revised policy will be effective immediately upon posting on our website.
Darren J. Lim
Adnan Aamir
Hassan Abbas
Ben Abboudi
Sohail Abdul Nasir
Mahan Abedin
Dana E Abizaid
Mariam Abou Zahab
Eduard Abrahamyan
Zachary Abuza
Aya Adachi
Brian Adeba
Nima Adelkhah
Nima Adelkhah
Mohammad Ahmad
Osama Ahmad
Naghi Ahmadov
Shujaat Ahmadzada
Isaac Ahmed
Salimjon Aioubov
Pete Ajemian
Peace Ajirotutu
Vakhit Akaev
Shehab al-Makahleh
Fuad Alakbarov
Fuad Alakbarov
Chris Alden
Nuray Alekberli-Museyibova
Ali Alfoneh
Farhana Ali
Imtiaz Ali
Rafid Fadhil Ali
Anes Alic
Huseyn Aliyev
Nurlan Aliyev
Kenneth Allen
Jana Allen
T.S. Allen
Victoria Almas
Feyza Altindag
Fatemeh Aman
Ivar Amundsen
Alex An
David An
Danny Anderson
Martin Andrew
Marcel Angliviel de la Beaumelle
Zaal Anjaparidze
Giuseppe Anzera
Ryan Arant
Alessandro Arduino
Stephen Armitage
Richard Arnold
John Arterbury
Jorma Arvidson
Tariq Mahmud Ashraf
Ali Askarov
Leyla Aslanova

Margarita Assenova
Scott Atran
Owen Au
Emil Avdaliani
Leah Averitt
Mokhtar Awad
Soumya Awasthi
Hekmatullah Azamy
Ashot Azatian
Ali Zahid
Sajid Aziz
Jemima Baar
Bahruz Babayev
Renny Babiarz
Pavel K. Baev
Gregorio Baggiani
Orkhan Baghirov
Eva Baguma
Gegentuul Baioud
Zhulduz Baizakova
Chietigj Bajpaee
Chietigj Bajpaee
Uday Bakhshi
Abdul Hameed Bakier
Edwin Bakker
Kiyya Baloch
Imtiaz Baloch
Harley Balzer
David Bandurski
Bassam Barabandi
Anton Barbashin
Jack Barclay
Manhal Bareesh
Ridvan Bari Urcosta
Alex Barker
Yuri Barmin
Nathaniel Barr
Clark Edward Barrett
Charles K. Bartles
Iftekharul Bashar
Abdul Basit
Migeddorj Batchimeg
Sharon Bean
Nathan Beauchamp-Mustafaga
Joseph Bebel
Jeffrey Becker
Burak Bekdil
Nurbek Bekmurzaev
Vyacheslav Belokrenitsky
Alex Benetos
Ryan Berg
Ilan Berman
Jonas Bernstein
Benedetta Berti
Alec Bertina
Aliy Berzegov
Baktybek Beshimov
Nidal Betare
Aman Bezreh
Sanchita Bhattacharya
Jack Bianchi
Mykola Bielieskov
Savannah Billman
Ed Bithell
Richard A. Bitzinger
Andrew Black
Madeleine Blackman
Sergei Blagov
Stephen Blank
Dennis J. Blasko
Ludo Block
Dan Blumenthal
Vladimir Bobrovnikov
Alessandra Bocchi
Siarhei Bohdan
Dmitry Bolkunets
Boris Bondarev
Jeb Boone
Federico Bordonaro
Jakub Bornio
Anna Borshchevskaya
Nicholas Borst
Anneli Botha
Uran Botobekov
Pieter Bottelier
Christopher Boucek
Juliana Bouchaud
Anouar Boukhars
Alexandra Bradford
David Bradley
Anne-Marie Brady
Anne-Marie Brady
James Brandon
Sigmund Brandvold
Birgit Brauer
Ojars J. Braze
Matthew Brazil
Matthew Gabriel Cazel Brazil
Philip M. Breedlove, General, U.S. Air Force (Ret.)
Joseph Brennan
James Briggs
Marc Brody
Jack Broome
Colin Brose
Kerry Brown
Michael Brown
Alexis Brown
Matthew Bruzzese
Matthew Bryza
Sara Brzuszkiewicz
Girard Bucello
Janusz Bugajski
Maksym Bugriy
Syed Adnan Ali Shah Bukhari
Anno Bunnik
Oana Burcu
Tobias J. Burgers
Taylor Butch
Kiran Butt
Jean-pierre Cabestan
Joe Cacese
Rusen Cakir
John Calabrese
Alex Calvo
Alvin Camba
Alicia J. Campi
Sertaç Canalp Korkmaz
Ömer Faruk Cantenar
Leah Caprice
Alexandria Caputo
Ludovico Carlino
Kevin Carrico
Joseph Carrigan
Thomas Patrick Carroll
Michael Caster
Adam Cathcart
Mitat Çelikpala
Peter Chalk
Harold Chambers
Alfred Chan
Kam Wing Chan
Gordon G. Chang
Yihong Chang
Parris Chang
I-wei Jennifer Chang
Yu-Ping Chang
Brian Chao
Michael S. Chase
Matthew Chebatoris
Beka Chedia
Oksana Chelysheva
Zhenzhen Chen
York W. Chen
David Chen
Emily S. Chen
Julie Yu-Wen Chen
Elizabeth Chen
James Yifan Chen
Yu-cheng Chen
Yinghong Cheng
Joseph Y.S. Cheng
Tai Ming Cheung
Sunny Cheung
Yee Wah Chin
Victor Chin (秦日新)
Frank Ching
Elena Chinyaeva
Fuad Chiragov
Nicholas Chkhaidze
Zaindi Choltaev
Jaewoo Choo
Pierre-arnaud Chouvy
Mark Christopher
Shulong Chu
Andrew Chubb
Abdou Cisse
Horia Ciurtin
Michael Clarke
Marcus Clay
Morgan Clemens
Robert Cobb
David Cohen
Bernard D. Cole
J. Michael Cole
Antonia Colibasanu
Gabe Collins
Luke Colton
William Combes
Meghan Conroy
Ian Conway
Sarah Cook
Terry Cooke
Casey L. Coombs
John F. Copper
John F. Corbett
Gordon Corera
Svante E. Cornell
Nick Corvino
Steven Costello
John Costello
Johanna Cox
Dan G. Cox
Josie Coyle
Jeffrey Cozzens
Dario Cristiani
Matthew Czekaj
Matthew J. Dagher-Margosian
J. Michael Dahm
Andi Dahmer
Joseph Dai
John C. K. Daly
Sara Daly
Emil Danielyan
Rup Narayan Das
Rueben Dass
Angeli Datt
Jeremy Daum
Anna J. Davis
Victor Davidoff
Thomas Davidson
Elizabeth Van Wie Davis
Michael C. Davis
Elena Davlikanova
Erik Davtyan
Abigail Dawson
Mauro De Lorenzo
Willem de Vogel
Thomas de Zoete
Andrew Dean
Suyash Desai
Jamie Dettmer
Andrew Devereux
Chuck DeVore
Fatoumata Diallo
Gulshan Dietl
Arthur Ding
Emile Dirks
Halla Diyab
Donald N. Jensen
Han Dongfang
Genevieve Donnellon-May
Marie Donovan
Benjamin Dooley
James Doran
Tenzin Dorjee
Munkh-Ochir Dorjjugder
John Dotson
Aslan Doukaev
Erica Downs
Jerome Doyon
Darcie Draudt
June Teufel Dreyer
Jessica Drun
Xiaolin Duan
Mathieu Duchâtel
Berikbol Dukeyev
Haian Dukhan
Devi Dumbadze
John B. Dunlop
Mei Duzhe
Nicholas Dynon
Valery Dzutsati
Brent M. Eastwood
Nicholas Eberstadt
Nicholas Eberstadt
Madelynn Einhorn
Yaron Eisenberg
Joshua Eisenman
Niklas Eklund
Adel El-Adawy
Tuba Eldem
Jörgen Elfving
Evan Ellis
R. Evan Ellis
Nancy Ellison
J. H. Elswood
Jeffrey Engstrom
Izzet Enunlu
Andrew S. Erickson
Daniel Erikson
Bilun Erim
Cameron Evers
Andrew Exum
Riccardo Fabiani
Christine Fair
Theresa Fallon
Li Fan
Yiyao Alex Fan
Fan Yun (范雲)
Ali Farassati
Farhad Mammadov
Kim Fassler
Péter Fazekas
Syed Fazl-e-Haider
Ryan Fedasiuk
Igor Fedyk
Harvey Feldman
Pavel Felgenhauer
Jonathan Fenby
Ashley Feng
David Hau Feng
Matt Ferchen
Joseph Ferguson
Victor Ferguson
Arnold Figueira
William Figueroa
Susan Finder
Iftikhar Firdous
Richard D. Fisher, Jr.
Benedict F. Fitzgerald
Derek Henry Flood
Derek Henry Flood
Koji Flynn-Do
Payam Foroughi
Ian Forsyth
John Foulkes
M. Taylor Fravel
Duncan Freeman
Guy Fricano
Matthew Fricker
Daniel Fu
Halil Fuad
Matthew Fulco
Matthew P. Funaiole
Orhan Gafarli
Gary Gambill
Cristina Garafola
Alicia García-Herrero
Azad Garibov
Daniele Garofalo
Daveed Gartenstein-Ross
John Garver
Vusal Gasimli
Oleksandr Gavrylyuk
Khalil Gebara
Khwaja Geedar Khan
Christelle Genoud
Dainius Genys
Debalina Ghoshal
James G. Gidwitz
Bates Gill
Bates Gill
Bruce Gilley
Brenda Githing’u
Antonio Giustozzi
John Wagner Givens
Akram Gizabi
Bonnie S. Glaser
Gregory Gleason
Joshua Gleis
Glen Grant
Steven Glinert
Paul Goble
Justin Godby
Paul H.b. Godwin
Justin Goldman
Lyle Goldstein
Aleksandr Golts
Sebastian Gorka
Abigail Grace
Antonio Graceffo
Audra Grant
Tom Grant
Stephen Green
Catherine Green
Sergei Gretsky
Alexandra Grey
Gabriella Gricius
Christopher Griffin
Rasheed Griffith
Armen Grigoryan
Mark A. Groombridge
Gerry Groot
Patrick W. Gross
Peter Gross
Derek Grossman
Madeleine Gruen
Nat Guillou
Olivier Guitta
Ibragim Gukemukh
Zana K. Gulmohamad
Kristen Gunness
Michael Gunter
Olaf Günther
Ilgar Gurbanov
Charles Gurin
Anna Gussarova
Kathryn Haahr
Samir Hajizada
Martin Hála
Clive Hamilton
Keith Hand
Brian Harding
Brian Hart
Daniel M. Hartnett
Shabnam Hasanova
Ahmed Hashim
Umida Hashimova
Muhammad Haniff Hassan
Ali Hatajuqua
Neil Hauer
Zoe Haver
Volodymyr Havrylov
Sinan Hawat
William R. Hawkins
Michael V. Hayden
James Haynes
Timothy Heath
Chris Heffelfinger
Justin Hempson-Jones
Nicholas A. Heras
Jeffrey Herbst
April A. Herlevi
Hannah Hindel
Ho, C.
Marco Ho Cheng-hui (何澄輝)
Bruce Hoffman
Samantha Hoffman
Sense Hofstede
Tanner Holland
Timothy Holman
James Holmes
Nikolai Holmov
Andrew Holt
Patrick Hoover
Joseph Hope
Arran Hope
Alex Horobets
Loro Horta
Michael Horton
Daniel Houpt
Glen E. Howard
Russell Hsiao
Michael Hsiao
Philip Hsu
Hsu Chiao-hsin (徐巧芯)
Chin Hsueh
Teh-wei Hu
Jing Huang
Chin-hao Huang
Eli Y. Huang
Lian Huang
Jemimah Hudson
Alla Hurska
Cindy Hurst
Fuad Huseinzadeh
Rusif Huseynov
Vasif Huseynov
Frank Hyland
Liu I-Chen
David Iberi
Aslan Idar
Masako Ikegami
Alisher Ilkhamov
Zafar Imran
Michael A. Innes
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Grigory Ioffe
Muhammad Iqbal
Zafar Iqbal Yousafzai
Sydney Irving
Den Isa
David C. Isby
Bashdar Pusho Ismaeel
Noor Huda Ismail
Fariz Ismailzade
Idil P. Izmirli
Rafid Jaboori
Joshua Jacobs
TU Hasnain Jaffery
Pratik Jakhar
Arif Jamal
A. Jamali
Rami Jameel
N. Janardhan
Eduardo Jaramillo
Mendee Jargalsaikhany
Amrita Jash
Gareth Jenkins
John Jennings
Rian Jensen
Aaron Jensen
You Ji
Wenran Jiang
Shixue Jiang
Jon (Yuan) Jiang
Yao Jin
Jing Jing
Yuan-Chou Jing
Filip Jirouš
Wilson John
Gregory D. Johnsen
Matthew Johnson
Sabine Johnson-Reiser
Christian Jokinen
Michael Jonsson
Javier Jordán
Alex Joske
Cecilia Joy-Perez
Zana K. Gulmohamad
Ihor Kabanenko
Sirwan Kajjo
Vali Kaleji
Roy D. Kamphausen
Roger Kangas
Elsa Kania
Ashok Kapur

Theodore Karasik
Saban Kardas
Isaac Kardon
Jesse Karotkin
Merle Kartscher

Can Kasapoglu
Aida Kasymalieva
Kazuyo Kato
Hiro Katsumata
Bernd Kaussler
Michael E. Kavoukjian
Harry Kazianis
Timothy Keating
Omar Kebbe
Thomas E. Kellogg
David Kelly
Jason Kelly
Emma Kelly
J. Bryan Kennard
Conor Kennedy

Thomas Kent
Aynur Kerimu
Nazery Khalid
Lydia Khalil
Afzal Khan
Mukhtar A. Khan
Massoud Khodabandeh
Yahya Khoon
Khursand Khurramov
Mustafa Kibaroglu
Mikyoung Kim
Alexander Kim
Ryan Kinsella
Jacob W. Kipp
Peter Kirechu
Ksenia Kirillova
Maryanne Kivlehan-Wise
Ondřej Klimeš
David Knox
Eugene Kogan
Jiri Kominek
Natalia Konarzewska
Zaina Konbaz
Srikanth Kondapalli
Carlo Kopp
Sanna Kopra
Pavel Korduban
Victor Korgun
Maksut Kosker
Daniel Koss
Panos A. Kostakos
Daniel Kostecka
Asbed Kotchikian
Meaghan Koudelka
Annie Kowalewski
Bartosz Kowalski
Nikolay Kozhanov
Vitaly Kozyrev
Johnathan Krause
Onnik James Krikorian
Mateusz Kubiak
Maria Kucherenko
Mykhailo Kukhar
Devendra Kumar
Atul Kumar
Yasir Kuoti
Yasir Yosef Kuoti
Roman Kupchinsky
Katherine Kurata
Taras Kuzio
Aleksandre Kvakhadze
Giorgi Kvelashvili
W.Y. Kwok
Reuben Kyama
Scott LaFoy
Michael Laha
I-chung Lai
Christina Lai
Yi-Ren Lai
Eric Y.H. Lai
Kanchan Lakshman

Willy Wo-Lap Lam
Jozef Lang
Jennifer Lang
Paulina Lang
Yuri Lapaiev
Mathias Lund Larsen
Christian Nils Larson
Marlene Laruelle
Lorand Laskai
Michael Lauber
Itamar Lee
Jordan Lee
Seong-hyon Lee
Jeongseok Lee
Roderick Lee
Sze-Fung Lee
Melissa Lefkowitz
Vladimir Legenko
Arkadiusz Legieć
James Leibold
Leeshai Lemish
Edward Lemon
Greg Levesque
Matthew Levitt
Philip I. Levy
Joanna I. Lewis
Mingjiang Li
Cheng Li
Jianmin Li
Shaomin Li
Brynjar Lia
Diana Liang
Yen-fan Liao
Holmes Liao
Tzu-Hao Liao
Ivan Lidarev
David Liebenberg
Matthew A. Light
Robyn Lim
Joseph E. Lin
Chong-pin Lin
Cheng-yi Lin
Christina Lin
Joseph Y. Lin
Ying Yu Lin
Leo Lin
Reginald Y. Lin
Lin Fei-fan (林飛帆)
Toby Lincoln
Ann Listerud
Xingzhu Liu
Fu-kuo Liu
Zining Liu
David Livingston
Scott Livingston
David C. Logan
Christine Loh
I-cheng Loh
Darius Longarino
Ben Lowsen
Lu Li-Shih
Matthew Luce
Ahmad Lutfi
Pavel Luzin
Daniel C. Lynch
Matthew Lyons
Haiyun Ma
Cheng-kun Ma
Herbert Maack
Scott B. MacDonald
James MacHaffie
Ryszard Machnikowski
Mohan Malik
Rauf Mammadov
Mahammad Mammadov
George Mamulia
Neeraj Singh Manhas
James Manicom
Nathaniel Manni
Muhammad Mansour
Yufeng Mao
Virginia Marantidou
Erica Marat
Jacob Mardell
Ramzy Mardini
Ramon Marks
David Marples
Erich Marquardt
Jean-Luc Marret
Lionel Martin
Peter Martin
Miguel Martin
Ryan D. Martinson
Franz J. Marty
Omid Marzban
Fozil Mashrab
Talat Masood
Oriana Skylar Mastro
Andria Matrone
Peter Mattis
Peter Mattis2
Munir Mawari
Niamh McBurney
Kevin McCauley
Conor McCutcheon
Roger McDermott
Andrew McGregor
Kristian McGuire
Mark McNamee
Joe McReynolds
Eric A. Mcvadon
Daniel McVicar
A. Greer Meisels
Gevorg Melikyan
Dzianis Melyantsou
Giorgi Menabde
Silvia Menegazzi
Qingyue Meng
Wangchuk Meston
Casey Michel
Dominik Mierzejewski
Anton Mikhnenko
Francesco F. Milan
Hayder Mili
David Millar
Greg Mills
Dumitru Minzarari
Carl Minzner
Moneeb Mir
Alman Mir – Ismail
Jonathan Mirsky
Georgiy Mirsky
Abdullahi Ahmed Mohamed
Wahidullah Mohammad
Idris Mohammed
Karen Montague
Ronald Montaperto
Jessica Moody
Cerwyn Moore
Andrea Morigi
Lyle Morris
Shafi Md Mostofa
Sami Moubayed
Hussain Mousavi
James P. Muldoon, Jr.
Murad Muradov
Nargiza Muratalieva
Anton Muraveinyk
Laurent Murawiec
Aset Murtazalieva
Ayaz Museyibov
Najiba Mustafayeva
Roman Muzalevsky
Raphael Mweninguwe
Nicholas J. Myers
Brigadier Vijai K Nair
Yani Najarian
Farangis Najibullah
M. D. Nalapat
Nathan Nankivell
Shankara Narayanan
Hani Nasira
Hamad Nazzal
Daniel Neep
Naima Nefliasheva
Alexander Nemets
Alexander Neuman
Judit Neurink
Lan Anh Nguyen Dang
Tarique Niazi
Ozcan Nihat Ali
Olevs Nikers
Magnus Norell
Eric Norman
China Brief Notes
Akbar Notezai
Evgenii Novikov
Andrew R. Novo
Siraj Nurali
Navhat Nuraniyah
Pär Nyrén
George O’Conor
Carole A. O’Leary
Brian O’Neill
Kateryna Odarchenko
Liselotte Odgaard
Lars Oehler
C. Alexander Ohlers
Guido Olimpio
Ryan Oliver
Akpobibibo Onduku
Matthew Oresman
Andrew L. Oros
Cholpon Orozobekova
Román D. Ortiz
Kyle Orton